fakedata: Generate fake data using a large variety of generators

“fakedata” is a versatile tool that allows you to generate fake data using a wide range of data generators. It is designed to assist in creating realistic yet fictional data for various purposes, such as testing, prototyping, data analysis, or populating databases with sample information.

With “fakedata,” you can generate data across different domains, including names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, dates, numbers, text, and more. The tool provides a comprehensive set of generators, each tailored to produce data that mimics real-world characteristics.

The generators in “fakedata” are designed to create data that adheres to specific formats and conventions. For instance, the name generator can produce random names that sound realistic and culturally appropriate. The address generator can generate addresses with accurate formats, including street names, postal codes, and city names. Similarly, the email generator can generate valid email addresses with appropriate domain names.

In addition to basic data types, “fakedata” also offers more specialized generators. These include generators for generating credit card numbers, social security numbers, random images, Lorem Ipsum text, and more. These specialized generators enable you to create realistic data for a variety of scenarios, such as simulating user profiles, generating test data for an e-commerce application, or populating a database with sample records.

Moreover, “fakedata” often allows you to customize the generated data based on specific requirements. For example, you can specify the number of data points to generate, set constraints on the data range, or provide additional configuration options to tailor the output to your needs. This flexibility makes “fakedata” a powerful tool for generating diverse and controlled sets of synthetic data.

It’s important to note that the purpose of “fakedata” is to create fictional data for non-production environments. It should not be used to generate real data or personal information as it is solely intended for testing, prototyping, or educational purposes.

fakedata Command Examples

1. List all valid generators:

# fakedata --generators

2. Generate data using one or more generators:

# fakedata generator1 generator2

3. Generate data with a specific output format:

# fakedata --format csv|tab|sql generator

4. Generate a given number of data items (defaults to 10):

# fakedata --limit n generator

5. Generate data using a custom output template (the first letter of generator names must be capitalized):

# echo "\\Generator\\" | fakedata


In summary, “fakedata” is a versatile tool for generating fictional yet realistic data. It offers a broad range of data generators that can produce data in various domains. By using “fakedata,” you can quickly generate sample data for testing, prototyping, or populating databases. The tool’s flexibility and customization options make it a valuable resource for creating diverse sets of synthetic data to suit your specific needs.

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