exrex: Generate all/random matching strings for a regular expression

“Exrex” is a powerful tool that allows you to generate matching strings for a given regular expression. It provides the ability to generate all possible matching strings or generate random matching strings based on the provided regular expression pattern. Additionally, “exrex” can simplify regular expressions, making them more concise and easier to manage.

Regular expressions are widely used to search, match, and manipulate text based on specific patterns. However, constructing and testing regular expressions can sometimes be challenging, especially when dealing with complex patterns or when trying to generate test data that matches a particular expression. This is where “exrex” comes in handy.

With “exrex,” you can input a regular expression pattern and generate all possible strings that match that pattern. This is particularly useful for testing and validation purposes, as it allows you to examine the full range of possible inputs that satisfy the given regular expression. By generating all matching strings, you can verify the correctness and completeness of your regular expression.

In addition to generating all matching strings, “exrex” also offers the capability to generate random matching strings. This is helpful when you need a representative sample of inputs that conform to the regular expression pattern. It can be used for generating test data, creating example inputs, or simulating different scenarios.

Furthermore, “exrex” provides a feature to simplify regular expressions. Regular expressions can sometimes become complex and difficult to read and maintain, especially as they grow in size or when they contain redundant or unnecessary patterns. By using the simplification feature of “exrex,” you can obtain a more concise and streamlined regular expression that achieves the same matching behavior. This can make your regular expressions easier to understand, debug, and modify.

“exrex” supports a wide range of regular expression features, including character classes, quantifiers, anchors, alternations, and more. It is compatible with popular programming languages and tools that use regular expressions, such as Python, JavaScript, and Perl.

exrex Command Examples

1. Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression:

# exrex 'regular_expression'

2. Generate a random string that matches a regular expression:

# exrex --random 'regular_expression'

3. Generate at most 100 strings that match a regular expression:

# exrex --max-number 100 'regular_expression'

4. Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression, joined by a custom delimiter string:

# exrex --delimiter ", " 'regular_expression'

5. Print count of all possible strings that match a regular expression:

# exrex --count 'regular_expression'

6. Simplify a regular expression:

# exrex --simplify '[ab|ac]'

7. Print eyes:

# exrex '[oO0](_)[oO0]'

8. Print a boat:

# exrex '( {20}(\| *\\|-{22}|\|)|\.={50}| ( ){0,5}\\\.| {12} ~{39})'


In summary, “exrex” is a valuable tool for generating matching strings for a given regular expression. It offers the ability to generate all possible matching strings or random matching strings, aiding in testing, validation, and example data generation. Additionally, “exrex” can simplify regular expressions, resulting in more concise and manageable patterns. By simplifying the process of working with regular expressions, “exrex” helps developers and users effectively utilize regular expressions in their projects.

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