expose: An open source tunnel application for sharing websites

Expose is an open-source tunneling application that facilitates the sharing of websites or web applications over the internet. It provides a secure and convenient way to expose local web servers to the public, allowing others to access and interact with the hosted websites or applications.

The primary purpose of Expose is to eliminate the complexities and challenges associated with deploying and sharing web content. Traditionally, making a website accessible to others would involve configuring routers, managing firewall settings, or deploying the website to a public server. Expose simplifies this process by creating a secure tunnel between the local server and the public internet, effectively bypassing the need for complex network configurations.

With Expose, you can expose your locally hosted website or application to the internet by creating a tunnel. The tunnel serves as a secure connection between your local server and Expose’s servers. When someone accesses the unique URL generated by Expose, their requests are securely routed through the tunnel to your local server, enabling them to view and interact with your website or application.

One of the key features of Expose is its focus on security. All communication between the public internet and the local server is encrypted, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected. Expose also provides access controls and authentication options, allowing you to restrict access to specific users or require authentication before accessing the shared content.

In addition to its security measures, Expose offers additional functionalities to enhance the sharing experience. It provides real-time logging and analytics, allowing you to monitor the traffic and interactions on the exposed website. Expose also supports custom domains, allowing you to use your own domain name instead of the generated URL, which can be particularly useful for branding purposes.

Expose is open source, meaning its source code is freely available for inspection and modification. This openness fosters transparency, community contributions, and ongoing development, ensuring that the tool remains up-to-date and responsive to user needs.

expose Command Examples

1. Register your authentication token:

# expose token token

2. Share the current working directory:

# expose

3. Share the current working directory with a specific subdomain:

# expose --subdomain=subdomain

4. Share a local URL:

# expose share url

5. Run the Expose server:

# expose serve

6. Run the Expose server with a specific hostname:

# expose serve hostname


In summary, Expose is an open-source tunneling application that simplifies the process of sharing locally hosted websites or applications. By creating a secure tunnel between the local server and the internet, Expose enables others to access and interact with the shared content without requiring complex network configurations. With its emphasis on security, access controls, and additional features like real-time logging and custom domains, Expose provides a user-friendly and secure solution for sharing websites and web applications.

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