etcdctl: CLI interface for interacting with etcd, a highly-available key-value pair store

etcdctl is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that provides a convenient and efficient way to interact with etcd, a highly-available key-value pair store. etcdctl enables users to manage and manipulate data stored in an etcd cluster, perform administrative tasks, and retrieve information using simple commands.

Here are some key details and features of etcdctl:

  • Data management: etcdctl allows users to interact with the key-value store by providing commands to set, get, update, and delete key-value pairs. Users can store various types of data, such as configuration settings, metadata, or any other relevant information required by the distributed system.
  • Cluster administration: etcdctl provides administrative commands to manage an etcd cluster. Users can add or remove nodes, view cluster status and health, and perform other cluster-related operations. This functionality allows for easy administration and monitoring of the etcd cluster.
  • Efficient querying: etcdctl supports querying the key-value store using different query options. Users can retrieve a specific key-value pair, fetch a range of keys, or filter results based on specific criteria. This flexibility enables efficient data retrieval based on application requirements.
  • Security and authentication: etcdctl supports authentication and security features provided by etcd. Users can authenticate themselves using client certificates or authentication tokens to access the key-value store securely. This ensures that only authorized users have access to the data stored in etcd.
  • Integration with scripts and automation: etcdctl’s command-line interface makes it suitable for scripting and automation purposes. Users can incorporate etcdctl commands into scripts, configuration management tools, or other automated workflows to perform various tasks programmatically.
  • Concurrency and consistency: etcdctl enforces concurrency control and provides consistent views of the data across the etcd cluster. This ensures that operations executed through etcdctl are properly synchronized and reflect the latest state of the key-value store.
  • Compatibility: etcdctl is designed to work seamlessly with etcd clusters, providing compatibility across different versions of etcd. This allows users to manage and interact with etcd clusters, regardless of the specific version being used.

By utilizing etcdctl, users can efficiently manage and manipulate data within an etcd cluster through a straightforward command-line interface. Its features encompass data management, cluster administration, security, and scripting capabilities, making it a versatile tool for interacting with etcd and harnessing the power of a highly-available key-value store in distributed systems.

etcdctl Command Examples

1. Display the value associated with a specified key:

# etcdctl get my/key

2. Store a key-value pair:

# etcdctl put my/key my_value

3. Delete a key-value pair:

# etcdctl del my/key

4. Store a key-value pair, reading the value from a file:

# etcdctl put my/file 

5. Save a snapshot of the etcd keystore:

# etcdctl snapshot save /path/to/snapshot.db

6. Restore a snapshot of an etcd keystore (restart the etcd server afterwards):

# etcdctl snapshot restore /path/to/snapshot.db

7. Add a user:

# etcdctl user add my_user

8. Watch a key for changes:

# etcdctl watch my/key
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