ern: Electrode Native platform command line client

The “ern” command is the command-line client for the Electrode Native platform, which is a framework for building native mobile applications using JavaScript and React Native. The “ern” command provides a set of tools and functionalities to facilitate the development, building, and deployment of mobile apps on various platforms.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the “ern” command and its key features:

  • Native Mobile Development: The “ern” command is specifically designed for native mobile app development using JavaScript and React Native. It allows developers to leverage their existing knowledge of JavaScript and React to build cross-platform mobile applications that run on iOS and Android devices.
  • Project Initialization: With the “ern” command, you can initialize a new Electrode Native project. This sets up the necessary project structure, configuration files, and dependencies to kickstart your mobile app development. It ensures that your project follows the best practices and conventions recommended by the Electrode Native platform.
  • Development Server: The “ern” command includes a development server that enables you to quickly iterate and test your app during the development process. The server provides hot-reloading, allowing you to see the changes you make to your code instantly reflected on the running app without the need for manual recompilation or reloading.
  • Plugin Management: Electrode Native supports the use of plugins to extend the functionality of your mobile apps. The “ern” command provides features to manage plugins within your project. You can install, update, and remove plugins, as well as configure their settings and dependencies.
  • Build and Packaging: Using the “ern” command, you can build and package your mobile app for distribution. It provides commands to generate release-ready binary packages for iOS and Android platforms. These packages can be submitted to app stores or distributed directly to users for installation on their devices.
  • Platform-specific Support: The “ern” command offers platform-specific functionalities and support. It includes commands for managing platform-specific configurations, such as provisioning profiles and signing certificates for iOS, or keystores and build types for Android. This ensures that your app can be properly configured and deployed on different platforms.
  • Integration with Native Tools: The “ern” command integrates with native development tools and frameworks. It provides features to link and synchronize your JavaScript code with the native codebase, handle native dependencies, and perform other tasks that require interaction with the underlying native platforms.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork: The “ern” command supports collaboration and teamwork by providing features for sharing projects, synchronizing code changes, and managing project dependencies. It allows multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously and facilitates smooth integration of their changes.

The “ern” command serves as a command-line interface to the Electrode Native platform, empowering developers to build high-quality native mobile applications using JavaScript and React Native. It provides a range of tools and functionalities to streamline the development process, manage dependencies, and package apps for distribution on iOS and Android platforms.

ern Command Examples

1. Create a new ern application (MiniApp):

# ern create-miniapp application_name

2. Run one or more MiniApps in the iOS / Android Runner application:

# ern run-[ios|android]

3. Create an Electrode Native container:

# ern create-container --miniapps /path/to/miniapp_directory --platform [ios|android]

4. Publish an Electrode Native container to a local Maven repository:

# ern publish-container --publisher maven --platform android --extra '"groupId":"","artifactId":"quickstart"'

5. Transform an iOS container into a pre-compiled binary framework:

# ern transform-container --platform ios --transformer xcframework

6. List all installed versions of Electrode Native:

# ern platform versions

7. Set a logging level:

# ern platform config set logLevel [trace|debug]
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