envsubst: command not found

envsubst substitutes environment variables in a shell string or script. When used with no options, copies stdin to stdout, replacing any environment variable string, such as $VARIABLE or ${VARIABLE}, with the appropriate environment variable value. So, “My editor is $EDITOR” would be converted to “My editor is /usr/bin/emacs.” Specifying a shell format limits the substitutions to those variables referenced in the shell format.

envsubst command line options

envsubst command has very few options as shown below:

Option Description
-h, –help Print help message and then exit.
-v, –variables Display the variables referenced in the shell format, and then exit.
-V, –version Print version information and then exit.

If you get an error as shown below while running the envsubst command:

envsubst: command not found

you may try installing the gettext package as per your choice of distribution.

Distribution Command
OS X brew install gettext
Debian apt-get install gettext-base
Ubuntu apt-get install gettext-base
Alpine apk add gettext
Arch Linux pacman -S gettext
Kali Linux apt-get install gettext-base
CentOS yum install gettext
Fedora dnf install gettext
Raspbian apt-get install gettext-base

envsubst Command Examples

1. Replace environment variables in stdin and output to stdout:

$ echo '$HOME' | envsubst

2. Replace environment variables in an input file and output to stdout:

$ envsubst 

3. Replace environment variables in an input file and output to a file:

$ envsubst  path/to/output_file

4. Replace environment variables in an input file from a space-separated list:

$ envsubst '$USER $SHELL $HOME' 
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