envoy: A PHP-based task manager for Laravel remote servers

“Envoy” is a PHP-based task manager specifically designed for remote server management in Laravel, a popular PHP framework. It provides a convenient and efficient way to automate common deployment and server management tasks within the Laravel ecosystem.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the “Envoy” task manager and its key features:

  • Remote Server Management: “Envoy” focuses on simplifying the management of remote servers commonly used in Laravel application deployment. It allows you to define tasks and commands that can be executed on remote servers, such as deploying code, running database migrations, clearing caches, restarting services, and more.
  • Laravel Integration: “Envoy” is tightly integrated with Laravel, leveraging the framework’s features and conventions. It understands Laravel’s directory structure, configuration settings, and deployment workflows, making it easy to define and execute tasks specific to Laravel applications.
  • Task Automation: With “Envoy,” you can automate repetitive tasks and streamline your deployment processes. By defining tasks in a simple and readable syntax, you can execute them on remote servers with a single command. This helps ensure consistency and saves time when performing routine operations.
  • Task Scheduling: “Envoy” allows you to schedule tasks to run automatically at specific intervals or on predefined schedules. This feature is particularly useful for tasks that need to be executed periodically, such as scheduled database backups, cache clearing, or other maintenance activities.
  • SSH-based Execution: “Envoy” utilizes SSH (Secure Shell) for communication and execution of tasks on remote servers. It establishes secure connections to remote servers, allowing you to execute commands and scripts remotely without needing direct access to the server’s command-line interface.
  • Server Groups: “Envoy” supports the concept of server groups, which allows you to define sets of servers with common configurations. This makes it easy to perform tasks on multiple servers simultaneously or execute tasks on specific groups based on your deployment requirements.
  • Error Handling and Notifications: “Envoy” provides error handling and notifications to keep you informed about the outcome of task execution. It can detect errors or failures during task execution and send notifications via email, Slack, or other channels, ensuring that you are aware of any issues that may occur during the deployment process.
  • Community Support and Extensions: “Envoy” benefits from Laravel’s vibrant community, with developers contributing additional functionality and extensions. These extensions can enhance “Envoy” with additional features or integrations, allowing you to further customize and extend its capabilities.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Since “Envoy” is based on PHP and uses SSH for remote server communication, it can be used on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures cross-platform compatibility and allows you to manage remote servers from different environments.

“Envoy” simplifies the management of remote servers within the Laravel ecosystem, providing a powerful and intuitive task manager for automated deployment and server management. By automating common tasks and leveraging Laravel’s conventions, it helps streamline the deployment process, improve productivity, and ensure consistency in server management.

envoy Command Examples

1. Initialize a configuration file:

# envoy init host_name

2. Run a task:

# envoy run task_name

3. Run a task from a specific project:

# envoy run --path /path/to/directory task_name

4. Run a task and continue on failure:

# envoy run --continue task_name

5. Dump a task as a Bash script for inspection:

# envoy run --pretend task_name

6. Connect to the specified server via SSH:

# envoy ssh server_name
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