electrum: Ergonomic Bitcoin wallet and private key management

Electrum is an ergonomic Bitcoin wallet and private key management tool. It is designed to provide a user-friendly and secure way to interact with the Bitcoin network, manage Bitcoin addresses, and handle private keys. With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, Electrum offers a range of features for both novice and advanced Bitcoin users.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of Electrum and its key features:

  • Bitcoin Wallet: Electrum functions as a software wallet specifically designed for Bitcoin. It allows users to create and manage multiple Bitcoin addresses, send and receive Bitcoin transactions, and track their transaction history. Electrum provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that makes it easy to navigate and interact with the wallet’s features.
  • Private Key Management: Private keys are essential for controlling and accessing Bitcoin funds. Electrum securely stores and manages private keys on the user’s device. It uses a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet structure, which means that a single seed phrase can generate an unlimited number of addresses and private keys.
  • Security Features: Electrum prioritizes security by offering features like encryption and password protection for wallets. It also supports hardware wallets, such as Trezor and Ledger, which provide an additional layer of security by keeping private keys offline.
  • Transaction History and Address Book: Electrum keeps track of the user’s transaction history, allowing them to review previous transactions and monitor their Bitcoin balance. It also includes an address book feature that enables users to save and label Bitcoin addresses for easy reference.
  • Electrum Server Network: Electrum utilizes a network of servers that index the Bitcoin blockchain, providing fast and reliable access to transaction data. These servers enable Electrum to offer a lightweight wallet experience without the need to download and verify the entire blockchain.
  • Plugin Support: Electrum supports plugins, which extend its functionality and allow users to customize their experience. Plugins can provide additional features, integrate with external services, or enhance security measures.
  • Compatibility and Cross-Platform Support: Electrum is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. It offers a consistent user experience across different platforms, ensuring that users can access their wallets from their preferred devices.

Advanced Features: Electrum caters to advanced Bitcoin users by providing options for configuring transaction fees, creating custom transaction scripts, and utilizing advanced privacy-enhancing techniques like coin control.

It’s important to note that while Electrum is a widely used and respected Bitcoin wallet, it’s always recommended to exercise caution and follow best security practices when handling Bitcoin and private keys. Storing backups securely, using strong passwords, and keeping software up to date are crucial for maintaining the security of your Bitcoin funds.

electrum Command Examples

1. Create a new wallet:

# electrum -w new_wallet.dat create

2. Restore an existing wallet from seed offline:

# electrum -w recovery_wallet.dat restore -o

3. Create a signed transaction offline:

# electrum mktx recipient amount -f 0.0000001 -F from -o

4. Display all wallet receiving addresses:

# electrum listaddresses -a

5. Sign a message:

# electrum signmessage address message

6. Verify a message:

# electrum verifymessage address signature message

7. Connect only to a specific electrum-server instance:

# electrum -p socks5: -s 56ckl5obj37gypcu.onion:50001:t -1
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