ego Command Examples in Funtoo Linux

The “ego” command in Funtoo Linux is a command line interface (CLI) tool that is used to manage and configure the Funtoo Linux system. It allows users to easily install, configure, and manage software packages, as well as perform other system administration tasks.

The “ego” command is built on top of the Portage package manager, which is the package manager used by Funtoo Linux. The command provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for performing common package management tasks such as installing, upgrading, and removing software packages.

1. Synchronize the Portage tree:

# ego sync

2. Update the bootloader configuration:

# ego boot update

3. Read a Funtoo wiki page by name:

# ego doc wiki_page

4. Print current profile:

# ego profile show

5. Enable/Disable mix-ins:

# ego profile mix-in +gnome -kde-plasma-5

6. Query Funtoo bugs, related to a specified package:

# ego query bug package
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