dvc destroy: Remove all DVC files and directories from a DVC project

The “dvc destroy” command is a functionality provided by DVC (Data Version Control) that allows users to remove all DVC files and directories from a DVC project. This command is useful when you want to completely remove DVC from a project and clean up any associated files and directories.

Here are the key aspects and functionalities of the “dvc destroy” command:

  • Removing DVC files and directories: When you execute the “dvc destroy” command, it scans the current directory and its subdirectories to locate DVC-related files and directories. These include the .dvc directory, which contains metadata and configuration files, as well as any cached data files stored in the cache directory.
  • Complete cleanup: The “dvc destroy” command ensures a thorough cleanup by removing all the identified DVC files and directories. This helps in removing any traces of DVC-related data, configuration, and metadata from the project.
  • Irreversible action: It’s important to note that the “dvc destroy” command permanently removes DVC-related files and directories from the project. Once executed, this action cannot be undone, and any data or information stored within the DVC system will be lost.
  • Confirmation prompt: To prevent accidental data loss, the “dvc destroy” command typically prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the deletion. This provides an additional safeguard, allowing you to double-check your intention before permanently removing the DVC files and directories.
  • Command-line interface: The “dvc destroy” command is primarily operated through the command-line interface. Users execute the command in the terminal and respond to any confirmation prompts if required.

By using the “dvc destroy” command, users can effectively remove all DVC-related files and directories from a project, ensuring a clean separation from the DVC system. This can be useful when you no longer need version control or data management capabilities provided by DVC and want to completely remove its footprint from the project.

Please exercise caution when using the “dvc destroy” command, as it permanently deletes DVC-related files and directories. Make sure to backup any important data or configuration files before proceeding with the command.

Please note that the “dvc destroy” command may have specific options and flags that can be explored further through the DVC documentation or by using the built-in help command (e.g., “dvc destroy –help”).

dvc destroy Command Examples

1. Destroy the current project:

# dvc destroy

2. Force destroy the current project:

# dvc destroy --force
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