dvc add: Add changed files to the index

The “dvc add” command is a part of the DVC (Data Version Control) tool, which is used to manage and version control large datasets in machine learning and data science projects. The “dvc add” command allows users to add changed files to the DVC index, preparing them to be tracked and included in subsequent commits.

Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects and functionalities of the “dvc add” command:

  • Tracking changes: When working with large datasets, it’s essential to track the changes made to the files. The “dvc add” command helps in this process by identifying the modified or newly created files and preparing them to be included in the DVC index.
  • DVC index: DVC maintains an index that keeps track of the files and their versions within a project. This index enables efficient version control of the datasets and ensures reproducibility by linking the data files with the code and configurations used for analysis or model training.
  • Adding files: The “dvc add” command allows users to specify the files or directories that have been modified or created and need to be added to the DVC index. This step prepares the files for tracking and subsequent commits.
  • DVC cache: As part of the “dvc add” process, the modified or new files are also stored in the DVC cache. The cache acts as a centralized storage location for the dataset versions, optimizing storage space and enabling fast and efficient retrieval.
  • Versioning and history: Once the files are added to the DVC index using “dvc add,” subsequent commits can be performed to create new versions of the dataset. This enables easy access to historical versions, facilitates collaboration, and supports reproducibility in machine learning and data science workflows.
  • Command-line interface: DVC is primarily operated through the command-line interface, offering a simple and efficient way to interact with the tool. Users can run the “dvc add” command from the terminal, specifying the files or directories to be added to the index.

By using the “dvc add” command, data scientists and machine learning practitioners can effectively manage and version control large datasets. Tracking changes, adding files to the DVC index, and utilizing the DVC cache provide a reliable and efficient approach to dataset management, ensuring reproducibility and collaboration in data-intensive projects.

Please note that the “dvc add” command may have specific options and flags that can be explored further through the DVC documentation or by using the built-in help command (e.g., “dvc add –help”).

dvc add Command Examples

1. Add a single target file to the index:

# dvc add /path/to/file

2. Add a target directory to the index:

# dvc add /path/to/directory

3. Recursively add all the files in a given target directory:

# dvc add --recursive /path/to/directory

4. Add a target file with a custom .dvc filename:

# dvc add --file custom_name.dvc /path/to/file
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