dune: A build system for OCaml programs

Dune is a build system designed specifically for OCaml (Objective Caml) programs. It provides a convenient and efficient way to manage the compilation, dependencies, and build processes of OCaml projects. With its simplicity and powerful features, Dune simplifies the development and maintenance of OCaml codebases.

Here are the key features and aspects of Dune:

  • Build system: Dune serves as a build system for OCaml projects, automating the compilation and build processes. It determines the dependencies between modules and handles the compilation order, ensuring that each module is built in the correct order to satisfy dependencies.
  • Efficient compilation: Dune is optimized for fast and incremental compilation. It employs smart caching mechanisms and tracks dependencies between source files, allowing it to rebuild only the necessary parts of the project when changes occur. This significantly reduces build times, especially for larger projects.
  • Dependency management: Dune manages dependencies between OCaml modules and external libraries. It automatically resolves and tracks dependencies, fetching and incorporating external libraries as needed. Dune supports various dependency specifications, including OPAM packages and local libraries, making it easy to integrate and manage third-party code.
  • Project configuration: Dune uses a declarative configuration file (dune) to define the structure of an OCaml project and specify build rules. This configuration file describes the source files, libraries, executables, and other project components. It allows developers to easily customize the build process, specify compilation flags, and control various build options.
  • Integration with tools and editors: Dune integrates well with popular development tools and editors in the OCaml ecosystem. It supports IDEs like Emacs, Vim, and VS Code, providing seamless build integration and enabling features such as code navigation, autocompletion, and error highlighting within the development environment.
  • Cross-platform support: Dune is designed to work across different operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This cross-platform support ensures that OCaml projects can be built and managed consistently across different environments.
  • Community adoption: Dune has gained significant adoption within the OCaml community and is widely used for building OCaml projects. Its popularity is due to its simplicity, performance, and the ease with which it integrates into existing OCaml workflows.

Dune simplifies the process of building and managing OCaml projects, providing developers with a reliable and efficient build system. Its features, including dependency management, incremental compilation, and cross-platform support, contribute to a smoother development experience and improved productivity when working with OCaml codebases.

Please note that Dune may have specific configuration options and behavior that can be explored through the tool’s documentation or by using the built-in help command (e.g., “dune –help”).

dune Command Examples

1. Build all targets:

# dune build

2. Clean up the workspace:

# dune clean

3. Run all tests:

# dune runtest

4. Start the utop REPL with compiled modules automatically loaded into it, to remove the need to load them by hand:

# dune utop
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