dotnet publish: Publish a .NET application and its dependencies to a directory for deployment to a hosting system

The “dotnet publish” command is a part of the .NET development framework and is used to publish a .NET application along with its dependencies to a directory. This process prepares the application for deployment to a hosting system or for distribution as a self-contained package.

Here are some key aspects of the “dotnet publish” command:

  • Compilation and bundling: When you execute the “dotnet publish” command, it compiles the source code files of your .NET application, resolving dependencies and generating the necessary binaries. It combines all the required files, including the application’s code, configuration files, and any static assets, into a publishable package.
  • Dependency resolution: The “dotnet publish” command ensures that all the dependencies required by your application are included in the publishable output. It analyzes the project file (typically a .csproj or .vbproj file) and resolves the dependencies specified within it. This allows the application to be self-contained and runnable on the target hosting system.
  • Target directory: The “dotnet publish” command specifies a target directory where the published output will be placed. This directory contains all the necessary files and folders required to run the application. You can choose the location based on your deployment requirements, such as a specific folder on the local file system or a remote server.
  • Deployment-ready output: The output generated by the “dotnet publish” command is ready for deployment to a hosting system. It includes all the compiled code, dependencies, and configuration files needed to run the application. You can copy the contents of the publish directory to the hosting environment, ensuring that the application can be executed without requiring additional build steps.
  • Configuration options: The “dotnet publish” command provides various configuration options that allow you to customize the published output. You can specify the target framework, runtime identifier, build configuration (e.g., Debug or Release), and other settings to tailor the publish process to your specific needs.

The “dotnet publish” command is an essential step in preparing a .NET application for deployment. It compiles the source code, includes all necessary dependencies, and packages the application into a deployment-ready form. This makes it easier to distribute and install the application on a hosting system or distribute it as a self-contained package.

Please note that the specifics of the “dotnet publish” command, such as available options or additional functionality, may vary depending on the version of the .NET framework or the tools you are using. For detailed and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official .NET documentation or use the “–help” flag alongside the command to access the command-specific help information.

dotnet publish Command Examples

1. Compile a .NET project in release mode:

# dotnet publish --configuration Release path/to/project_file

2. Publish the .NET Core runtime with your application for the specified runtime:

# dotnet publish --self-contained true --runtime runtime_identifier /path/to/project_file

3. Package the application into a platform-specific single-file executable:

# dotnet publish --runtime runtime_identifier -p:PublishSingleFile=true /path/to/project_file

4. Trim unused libraries to reduce the deployment size of an application:

# dotnet publish --self-contained true --runtime runtime_identifier -p:PublishTrimmed=true /path/to/project_file

5. Compile a .NET project without restoring dependencies:

# dotnet publish --no-restore /path/to/project_file

6. Specify the output directory:

# dotnet publish --output /path/to/directory /path/to/project_file
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