dolt sql: Run a SQL query. Multiple SQL statements must be separated by semicolons

The “dolt sql” command is a feature provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system inspired by Git. The “dolt sql” command allows you to run SQL queries against the tables and data within a Dolt repository.

Here are some key aspects of the “dolt sql” command:

  • Query execution: When you execute the “dolt sql” command, you can provide one or more SQL statements to be executed against the database. These statements can include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and other SQL commands to perform various operations on the tables and data.
  • Multiple SQL statements: If you need to execute multiple SQL statements, you can separate them with semicolons (;). This allows you to run a sequence of queries in a single command, without the need for separate executions.
  • Query results: The “dolt sql” command returns the result of the executed query or queries. For SELECT statements, the command displays the retrieved data, while for other statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), it provides information about the affected rows.
  • SQL functionality: Dolt supports a wide range of SQL functionality, including complex queries, aggregations, joins, subqueries, and more. You can leverage the power of SQL to manipulate and retrieve data from your Dolt repository.
  • Schema management: The “dolt sql” command allows you to create, modify, or drop database tables, indexes, and other schema objects using SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) statements. This enables you to define and manage the structure of your database within the Dolt repository.

The “dolt sql” command provides a convenient way to interact with the tables and data in a Dolt repository using SQL queries. It allows you to perform data manipulation, retrieval, and schema management operations, making it easier to work with the version-controlled database system.

Please note that the specifics of the “dolt sql” command, such as available options or additional functionality, may vary depending on the version of Dolt you are using. For detailed and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official Dolt documentation or use the “–help” flag alongside the command to access the command-specific help information.

dolt sql Command Examples

1. Run a single query:

# dolt sql --query "INSERT INTO t values (1, 3);"

2. List all saved queries:

# dolt sql --list-saved
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