dolt config: Read and write local (per repository) and global (per user) Dolt configuration variables

The “dolt config” command is a functionality provided by Dolt, a version-controlled database system inspired by Git. The “dolt config” command allows you to read and write configuration variables specific to a Dolt repository or the entire system.

Here are some key aspects of the “dolt config” command:

  • Local configuration: The “dolt config” command can be used to manage configuration variables specific to a Dolt repository. These variables are stored in a local configuration file within the repository’s directory. Local configuration settings take precedence over global settings.
  • Global configuration: In addition to local configuration, the “dolt config” command can also manage configuration variables at a global level. Global configuration variables apply system-wide and affect all Dolt repositories on your machine.
  • Reading configuration variables: You can use the “dolt config –list” command to view all the configuration variables and their values. This provides an overview of the current configuration settings at either the local or global level.
  • Writing configuration variables: The “dolt config [key] [value]” command allows you to set or update a configuration variable. By specifying the key and value, you can define or modify specific configuration settings.
  • Scoping configuration changes: When using the “dolt config” command, you can specify whether the configuration change should be applied at the local or global level. By using the “–local” or “–global” flag, you can control where the configuration variable is stored and which level it affects.
  • Use cases: Configuration variables can be used for various purposes, such as defining user information (name, email), specifying default behavior (commit template, merge strategy), or configuring external tools or services.

The “dolt config” command allows you to manage and customize the behavior of Dolt and its associated repositories. By configuring variables at either the local or global level, you can tailor the behavior of Dolt to your specific requirements or preferences.

Please note that the specifics of the “dolt config” command, such as available options or additional functionality, may vary depending on the version of Dolt you are using. For detailed and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official Dolt documentation or use the “–help” flag alongside the command to access the command-specific help information.

dolt config Command Examples

1. List all local and global configuration options and their values:

# dolt config --list

2. Display the value of a local or global configuration variable:

# dolt config --get name

3. Modify the value of a local configuration variable, creating it if it doesn’t exist:

# dolt config --add name value

4. Modify the value of a global configuration variable, creating it if it doesn’t exist:

# dolt config --global --add name value

5. Delete a local configuration variable:

# dolt config --unset name

6. Delete a global configuration variable:

# dolt config --global --unset name
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