dokku: Docker powered mini-Heroku (PaaS)

Dokku is a self-hosted Platform as a Service (PaaS) tool that leverages Docker to create a lightweight and simplified deployment environment for web applications. It enables users to deploy multiple applications to a server with ease, supporting various programming languages and frameworks, all with a single “git push” command.

Key features and concepts associated with Dokku include:

  • Docker-powered deployment: Dokku utilizes Docker, a popular containerization technology, to package applications and their dependencies into isolated containers. This approach ensures consistency across deployments, simplifies the deployment process, and provides efficient resource utilization.
  • Heroku-like experience: Dokku aims to provide a user experience similar to Heroku, a popular cloud-based PaaS. It follows Heroku’s deployment model, making it familiar to developers who have worked with Heroku before. This means you can deploy your applications by pushing your code to a Dokku Git remote repository.
  • Multiple language support: Dokku supports applications written in various programming languages, including but not limited to Python, Ruby, Node.js, Java, Go, and PHP. This flexibility allows you to deploy diverse applications on the same server.
  • Easy configuration and scaling: Dokku simplifies the configuration process by utilizing environment variables, allowing you to easily manage application-specific settings without modifying the codebase. Additionally, Dokku provides scaling capabilities, enabling you to adjust the number of instances (containers) running your application to handle increased traffic or workload.
  • Plugin system: Dokku features a plugin system that allows extending its functionality. These plugins provide additional capabilities such as database management, caching, logging, SSL certificate management, and more. You can choose and install plugins based on your specific requirements.

Dokku provides a straightforward and streamlined deployment workflow for web applications, making it suitable for small to medium-sized projects or personal deployments. It simplifies the process of setting up and managing a PaaS environment on your own server, giving you control and flexibility over your application deployments.

Please note that Dokku’s features and capabilities may evolve over time as it continues to be actively developed. It is advisable to refer to the official Dokku documentation for the latest information, installation instructions, and usage details specific to your version of Dokku.

dokku Command Examples

1. List running apps:

# dokku apps

2. Create an app:

# dokku apps:create app_name

3. Remove an app:

# dokku apps:destroy app_name

4. Install plugin:

# dokku plugin:install full_repo_url

5. Link database to an app:

# dokku db:link db_name app_name
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