doctum: A PHP API documentation generator

Doctum is a PHP API documentation generator that aims to simplify the process of generating API documentation for your PHP projects. It is designed to generate clean, readable, and user-friendly documentation from PHP source code.

Some notable features of Doctum, as mentioned in the repository, include:

  • Support for PHP 7 and above: Doctum is compatible with PHP versions 7 and higher, ensuring compatibility with modern PHP applications.
  • Markdown support: Doctum supports Markdown, a lightweight markup language, allowing you to write documentation in an easy-to-read format.
  • Customizable templates: You can customize the appearance and layout of the generated documentation by using your own templates or modifying the default templates provided by Doctum.
  • API search functionality: Doctum includes a search feature that enables users to search for specific classes, methods, or keywords within the generated documentation.
  • Integration with version control systems: Doctum can integrate with version control systems like Git, allowing you to generate documentation from different branches or versions of your codebase.

To use Doctum, you typically install it as a dependency in your PHP project using a package manager like Composer. Once installed, you configure Doctum with your project’s source code directories and specify the output directory where the generated documentation will be stored. Running the Doctum command will then parse your PHP source code and generate the corresponding API documentation.

doctum Command Examples

1. Parse a project:

# doctum parse

2. Render a project:

# doctum render

3. Parse then render a project:

# doctum update

4. Parse and render only a specific version of a project:

# doctum update --only-version=version

5. Parse and render a project using a specific configuration:

# doctum update /path/to/config.php
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