doctl balance: Show the balance of a Digital Ocean account

The command “doctl balance” is a feature provided by the DigitalOcean command-line interface (CLI) tool, which allows you to interact with your DigitalOcean account from the command line. Specifically, the “doctl balance” command enables you to view the balance of your DigitalOcean account.

When you execute the “doctl balance” command, it retrieves information about the current balance of your DigitalOcean account. This balance represents the amount of funds available in your account that can be used to pay for services and resources provided by DigitalOcean, such as virtual machines (Droplets), storage volumes, databases, and other cloud-based services.

The output of the “doctl balance” command typically includes details about the account’s balance, which may include the currency used, the total amount available, and any pending charges or credits. This information helps you keep track of your account’s financial status and make informed decisions about resource allocation and usage on the DigitalOcean platform.

By using the “doctl balance” command, you can quickly check your DigitalOcean account’s balance without having to log in to the DigitalOcean web interface. This can be particularly useful when you want to monitor your account’s finances, budget your spending, or ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover your usage.

Please note that the specific output and format of the “doctl balance” command may vary based on updates and changes made to the DigitalOcean CLI tool. It’s always a good idea to consult the official documentation or run the command with the “–help” flag for the most up-to-date information and usage instructions.

doctl balance Command Examples

1. Get balance of the account associated with the current context:

# doctl balance get

2. Get the balance of an account associated with an access token:

# doctl balance get --access-token access_token

3. Get the balance of an account associated with a specified context:

# doctl balance get --context
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