“docker exec” Command Examples

The “docker exec” command is a powerful feature of Docker that allows users to execute commands on a running Docker container. It provides a convenient way to interact with a container’s environment, run commands, and perform various tasks within the container.

With the “docker exec” command, you can specify the container’s ID or name and the command you want to execute. Docker will then create a new process inside the running container and execute the specified command, providing the output directly on the host system’s console.

The “docker exec” command enables users to perform a wide range of operations within a container. For example, you can start a shell session inside the container by specifying a shell executable as the command. This allows you to explore and interact with the container’s file system, run additional commands, or inspect the container’s state.

You can also use the “docker exec” command to run specific tools or utilities within a container. For instance, if a container has a pre-installed database or web server, you can execute commands to manage the database, start or stop the web server, or perform any other administrative tasks specific to the container’s functionality.

Moreover, the “docker exec” command supports options to control the execution environment. You can allocate a pseudo-TTY (TTY) with the “-t” option to enable an interactive shell session within the container. Additionally, you can use the “-i” option to attach the container’s standard input to the command being executed, allowing for interactive input if required.

It’s worth noting that the “docker exec” command operates on a running container, and the executed command runs within the container’s environment. This means that any changes or modifications made during the command’s execution are limited to the container and do not affect the host system or other containers.

The “docker exec” command is especially useful for troubleshooting, debugging, or performing administrative tasks within a running container. It provides a flexible and efficient way to interact with the container’s environment, execute commands, and manipulate files or configurations as needed.

docker exec Command Examples

1. Enter an interactive shell session on an already-running container:

# docker exec --interactive --tty container_name /bin/bash

2. Run a command in the background (detached) on a running container:

# docker exec --detach container_name command

3. Select the working directory for a given command to execute into:

# docker exec --interactive -tty --workdir path/to/directory container_name command

4. Run a command in background on existing container but keep stdin open:

# docker exec --interactive --detach container_name command

5. Set an environment variable in a running Bash session:

# docker exec --interactive --tty --env variable_name=value container_name /bin/bash

6. Run a command as a specific user:

# docker exec --user user container_name command


In summary, the “docker exec” command enables users to execute commands on a running Docker container. It allows for easy interaction with the container’s environment, running specific tools or utilities, exploring the file system, and performing administrative tasks within the container. This command is an invaluable tool for managing and troubleshooting containers, providing a seamless way to interact with containerized applications.

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