dirsearch: Web path scanner

“dirsearch” is a web path scanner tool that is designed to help users discover hidden files and directories on a web server. Its primary purpose is to perform brute-force or dictionary-based scans to identify accessible paths on a target web server.

The main functionality of “dirsearch” revolves around systematically testing a range of common or custom-defined paths on a web server to uncover directories or files that may not be readily visible or linked from the main website. This can include directories with sensitive or restricted content, backup files, configuration files, or other hidden resources.

By scanning a target web server, “dirsearch” assists in identifying potential security vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or information leaks that may exist within the web application. It can be particularly useful for web developers, penetration testers, or security researchers to assess the robustness of a web server’s configuration and to ensure that sensitive resources are properly protected.

When running “dirsearch,” users can provide a list of paths to be tested, or they can utilize pre-configured wordlists that contain common directory and file names. “dirsearch” then sends HTTP requests to the web server for each path and analyzes the server’s response. Based on the response codes and content, it determines if the path exists and if it is accessible.

The results of the scan are presented to the user, indicating which paths were found, their accessibility, and any noteworthy information associated with them. This allows users to review the discovered paths and determine if any potential security risks or vulnerabilities exist.

It’s important to note that while “dirsearch” can be a valuable tool for web scanning, it should always be used responsibly and with proper authorization. Unauthorized scanning of web servers or websites without permission is considered unethical and may be illegal.

dirsearch Command Examples

1. Scan a web server for common paths with common extensions:

# dirsearch --url url --extensions-list

2. Scan a list of web servers for common paths with the .php extension:

# dirsearch --url-list /path/to/url-list.txt --extensions php

3. Scan a web server for user-defined paths with common extensions:

# dirsearch --url url --extensions-list --wordlist /path/to/url-paths.txt

4. Scan a web server using a cookie:

# dirsearch --url url --extensions php --cookie cookie

5. Scan a web server using the HEAD HTTP method:

# dirsearch --url url --extensions php --http-method HEAD

6. Scan a web server, saving the results to a .json file:

# dirsearch --url url --extensions php --json-report /path/to/report.json


In summary, “dirsearch” is a web path scanner tool used to identify hidden files and directories on a web server. By systematically testing a range of paths, it assists in discovering sensitive resources or misconfigurations that may pose security risks. When used responsibly and with proper authorization, “dirsearch” can be an effective tool for web developers, penetration testers, or security researchers to assess the security posture of a web application and ensure that sensitive resources are properly protected.

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