dirb: command not found

The “dirb” command in Linux is a command-line tool used for web application directory enumeration. It is commonly used to discover hidden files and directories on a web server by brute forcing the directory names. The tool works by sending HTTP requests to a web server with a list of directory names and analyzing the responses to determine if the directories exist.

The basic syntax of the command is:

# dirb [options] [URL] [wordlist]


URL is the target web server
wordlist is a file containing a list of directory names to try
options are various switches to customize the behavior of the tool

For example, “dirb http://example.com /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt” will perform directory enumeration on the target “example.com” using the common.txt wordlist.

If you encounter the below error while running the command dirb:

dirb: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install dirb
Ubuntu apt-get install dirb
Kali Linux apt-get install dirb

dirb Command Examples

1. Scan a webserver using the default wordlist:

# dirb https://example.org

2. Scan a webserver using a custom wordlist:

# dirb https://example.org path/to/wordlist.txt

3. Scan a webserver non-recursively:

# dirb https://example.org -r

4. Scan a webserver using a specified user-agent and cookie for HTTP-requests:

# dirb https://example.org -a user_agent_string -c cookie_string
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