ddev: Container based local development tool for PHP environments

ddev is a container-based local development tool designed specifically for PHP environments. It aims to simplify the setup and management of local development environments for PHP web applications. Here are some key points to understand about ddev:

  • Containerization: ddev utilizes containerization technology, specifically Docker, to create isolated development environments. It allows you to define and configure the necessary services and dependencies required for your PHP project, such as web servers, databases, caching systems, and other services. Each service is encapsulated within its own container, ensuring consistent and reproducible development environments across different machines.
  • PHP-focused Development: ddev is specifically tailored for PHP development. It understands the requirements and conventions of PHP projects, making it easy to set up a development environment for popular PHP frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, Drupal, WordPress, and others. It provides preconfigured templates and sensible defaults for PHP projects, allowing you to get started quickly without extensive manual configuration.
  • Simplified Configuration: ddev simplifies the configuration process by providing a user-friendly configuration file. This file, typically named ddev.yaml, allows you to specify the desired PHP version, web server, database, and other services required by your project. ddev automatically sets up the necessary containers and configurations based on the information provided in the configuration file.
  • Command-Line Interface: ddev is primarily used through a command-line interface (CLI). It provides a set of commands that allow you to manage your development environment effortlessly. With simple commands like ddev start, ddev stop, ddev config, and ddev exec, you can control the lifecycle of your development environment, configure services, and execute commands within the containerized environment.
  • Workflow and Productivity: ddev aims to enhance developer productivity by streamlining common development tasks. It provides features like automatic virtual host configuration, SSL/TLS certificate generation, database import/export, and integration with popular development tools. These features help simplify the development workflow, allowing developers to focus more on coding and less on environment setup and configuration.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: ddev is designed to be cross-platform and works on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It abstracts the underlying platform differences through the use of containerization technology, ensuring consistent behavior and compatibility across different environments.
  • Community and Documentation: ddev has an active and supportive community, providing resources, documentation, and community-driven extensions. The documentation covers various aspects of ddev, including installation, configuration, project setup, and advanced usage. The community is engaged in addressing user questions, providing troubleshooting assistance, and contributing to the ongoing development and improvement of ddev.

ddev Command Examples

1. Start up a project:

# ddev start

2. Configure a project’s type and docroot:

# ddev config

3. [f]ollow the log trail:

# ddev logs -f

4. Run composer within the container:

# ddev composer

5. Install a specific Node.js version:

# ddev nvm install version

6. Export a database:

# ddev export-db --file=/tmp/db.sql.gz

7. Run a specific command within a container:

# ddev exec "echo 1"


In summary, ddev is a container-based local development tool that simplifies PHP development by providing an easy-to-use interface, automated environment setup, and cross-platform compatibility. It aims to improve developer productivity by streamlining the setup and management of local PHP development environments, allowing developers to focus on coding rather than complex configuration tasks.

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