dconf : command not found

dconf is a command line tool for manipulating the dconf configuration database in Linux. dconf is a low-level key-based configuration system, it’s used to store settings for desktop environments and applications in a hierarchical format. It’s similar to gsettings, but it uses a more efficient binary format and provides additional features such as transaction support. The dconf command allows you to read and write values in the dconf database, as well as resetting specific keys or entire directories to their default values.

If you encounter the below error while running the command dconf:

dconf: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install dconf
Ubuntu apt-get install dconf
Alpine apk add dconf
Arch Linux pacman -S dconf
Kali Linux apt-get install dconf
CentOS yum install dconf
Fedora dnf install dconf
Raspbian apt-get install dconf

dconf Command Examples

1. Print a specific key value:

# dconf read /path/to/key

2. Print a specific path sub-directories and sub-keys:

# dconf list /path/to/directory/

3. Write a specific key value:

# dconf write /path/to/key "value"

4. Reset a specific key value:

# dconf reset /path/to/key

5. Watch a specific key/directory for changes:

# dconf watch /path/to/key|/path/to/directory/

6. Dump a specific directory in INI file format:

# dconf dump /path/to/directory/
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