darkhttpd: Darkhttpd web server

Darkhttpd is a lightweight and minimalist web server that serves static content efficiently. It is designed to be simple, fast, and easy to use, making it a popular choice for serving static websites, files, and directories. The “dark” in the name refers to its minimalistic and unobtrusive nature.

Here are some key features and characteristics of Darkhttpd:

  • Lightweight: Darkhttpd is extremely lightweight in terms of resource usage, making it suitable for low-powered devices or systems with limited resources. It has a small memory footprint and requires minimal CPU usage, allowing it to run efficiently even on older hardware.
  • Static Content Server: Darkhttpd is specifically designed for serving static content. It can serve HTML files, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, images, and any other static files that make up a website. It does not support server-side scripting or dynamic content generation.
  • Simple Configuration: Darkhttpd has a simple and straightforward configuration. It doesn’t require complex setup or configuration files. You can simply specify the directory that contains your static content, and Darkhttpd will serve it directly.
  • Directory Listing: Darkhttpd can generate directory listings automatically if an index file (such as index.html) is not found. This allows users to browse the contents of directories and access files directly from the web server.
  • Security: Darkhttpd focuses on providing a secure and reliable web server. It has a minimal attack surface and is designed to handle common security concerns. However, it is important to note that Darkhttpd does not provide advanced security features like HTTPS encryption or authentication mechanisms. If these features are required, it is recommended to use Darkhttpd in conjunction with a reverse proxy or an additional security layer.
  • Performance: Darkhttpd is known for its excellent performance and efficiency. It is optimized for serving static content, resulting in fast response times and minimal overhead. Darkhttpd is designed to handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently, making it suitable for serving static websites with high traffic.
  • Platform Compatibility: Darkhttpd is a cross-platform web server and can be run on various operating systems, including Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows. This makes it a versatile choice for developers and system administrators working on different platforms.

Darkhttpd is a reliable and easy-to-use web server for serving static content. It is particularly well-suited for scenarios where simplicity, efficiency, and low resource usage are important. Whether you need to quickly share files, set up a simple website, or create a local development environment, Darkhttpd provides a straightforward solution for serving static content over HTTP.

darkhttpd Command Examples

1. Start server serving the specified document root:

# darkhttpd /path/to/docroot

2. Start server on specified port (port 8080 by default if running as non-root user):

# darkhttpd /path/to/docroot --port port

3. Listen only on specified IP address (by default, the server listens on all interfaces):

# darkhttpd /path/to/docroot --addr ip_address
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