csvgrep: Filter CSV rows with string and pattern matching

csvgrep is a command-line tool included in the csvkit library, designed to filter rows in a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file based on string and pattern matching. It provides a convenient way to search for specific data within a CSV file and extract the matching rows.

Here are the key features and functionalities of csvgrep:

  • Row Filtering: csvgrep allows you to filter rows in a CSV file based on string matching. You can specify a search term or pattern, and csvgrep will match it against the values in the specified columns. Rows that match the search criteria are included in the output, while non-matching rows are excluded.
  • String Matching Options: csvgrep supports various string matching options, such as exact matching, case-insensitive matching, and regular expression matching. This flexibility allows you to perform precise and customizable searches according to your specific requirements.
  • Column Selection: In addition to row filtering, csvgrep allows you to select specific columns from the input CSV file. This feature is useful when you want to focus on specific attributes or fields of interest and exclude the rest from the output.
  • Negation: csvgrep provides the option to negate the search criteria, allowing you to exclude rows that match the specified search term or pattern. This is useful when you want to filter out specific rows from the CSV file.
  • Integration with csvkit: csvgrep is part of the csvkit library, which offers a comprehensive set of tools for working with CSV files. It seamlessly integrates with other csvkit utilities, allowing you to combine different operations in your data processing workflows.
  • Command-Line Interface: csvgrep is operated through a command-line interface (CLI), making it easy to use in shell scripts or as part of larger data manipulation pipelines. It supports various command-line options and arguments, allowing for flexible and customizable usage.

By utilizing csvgrep, you can quickly filter and extract specific rows from a CSV file based on string and pattern matching. It provides a straightforward and efficient way to search for relevant data within your CSV files, facilitating data exploration and analysis tasks.

csvgrep Command Examples

1. Find rows that have a certain string in column 1:

# csvgrep -c 1 -m string_to_match data.csv

2. Find rows in which columns 3 or 4 match a certain regular expression:

# csvgrep -c 3,4 -r regular_expression data.csv

3. Find rows in which the “name” column does NOT include the string “John Doe”:

# csvgrep -i -c name -m "John Doe" data.csv
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