crystal: Tool for managing Crystal source code

Crystal is a programming language tool designed to manage and work with source code written in the Crystal programming language. Crystal is a statically typed, compiled language with a syntax inspired by Ruby, but with performance comparable to languages like C and C++. The Crystal tool provides a range of features and functionalities to facilitate the development, compilation, testing, and documentation of Crystal code.

Key features and functionalities of the Crystal tool include:

  • Compilation: Crystal allows you to compile Crystal source code into native executables or shared libraries. The Crystal tool handles the compilation process, including dependency management, optimizing the code, and generating the desired output.
  • Dependency Management: Crystal supports a built-in package manager called “Shards” that helps manage project dependencies. The Crystal tool integrates with Shards to handle the installation, updating, and removal of external libraries and dependencies required by Crystal projects.
  • Code Formatting: Crystal provides a code formatter called “crystal tool format” that automatically formats your code according to community-defined style guidelines. This ensures consistent code style across projects and enhances code readability.
  • Testing: Crystal includes a testing framework called “Spec” that allows you to write and execute test cases for your Crystal code. The Crystal tool provides commands to run tests, generate test coverage reports, and perform test-related tasks, helping you ensure the correctness and quality of your code.
  • Documentation Generation: Crystal allows you to generate documentation for your Crystal code using a built-in documentation generator called “crystal docs.” The Crystal tool processes the code and comments in your source files to generate HTML or other output formats containing API documentation, enabling you to create comprehensive and accessible documentation for your projects.
  • Code Analysis: Crystal provides tools for code analysis and static type checking. The Crystal tool can analyze your code and detect potential issues, such as type errors, dead code, and style violations. This helps you identify and resolve problems early in the development process.
  • Interactive Shell: Crystal includes an interactive shell called “crystal tool play” that allows you to experiment and interact with Crystal code in a live environment. It provides a convenient way to test small code snippets, explore language features, and quickly iterate on ideas.
  • Build Automation: Crystal supports build automation through a configuration file called “crystal.yml.” This file allows you to define build tasks, specify compiler flags, set up environment variables, and customize the build process according to your project’s requirements.

Crystal and its associated tooling aim to provide developers with a productive and efficient environment for writing, managing, and maintaining Crystal code. The Crystal tool serves as a central component in the Crystal ecosystem, offering a wide range of functionalities to support various aspects of Crystal development, including compilation, dependency management, testing, documentation, and code analysis.

crystal Command Examples

1. Run a Crystal file:

# crystal /path/to/

2. Compile a file and all dependencies to a single executable:

# crystal build /path/to/

3. Start a local interactive server for testing the language:

# crystal play

4. Create a project directory for a Crystal application:

# crystal init app application_name

5. Display all help options:

# crystal help
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