crunch: Wordlist generator (Command Examples)

“Crunch” is a wordlist generator, which is a tool used to create custom wordlists for various purposes, such as password cracking, security testing, and data analysis. It is specifically designed to generate wordlists with customizable patterns, character sets, and lengths, providing flexibility in creating targeted and comprehensive wordlists.

Key features and functionalities of “crunch” include:

  • Customizable Patterns: “Crunch” allows users to define custom patterns for generating words in the wordlist. This means you can specify the format and structure of the words you want to generate, including the placement of specific characters, numbers, symbols, or patterns.
  • Character Sets and Ranges: With “crunch,” you can define the character sets to be used in the wordlist generation. It supports a wide range of character sets, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, symbols, and even custom character sets. You can also specify character ranges to generate words with a specific range of characters.
  • Length Variation: “Crunch” enables you to specify the minimum and maximum length of the generated words. This feature allows you to create wordlists with words of varying lengths, from short and simple words to long and complex combinations.
  • Smart Incremental Generation: The tool implements a smart incremental generation algorithm, which ensures efficient and optimized wordlist generation. It follows an intelligent pattern to generate words, minimizing duplicate or redundant combinations while covering a wide range of possibilities.
  • Output Formats: “Crunch” supports multiple output formats for the generated wordlists. It can produce plain text files, allowing easy integration with other tools and applications. Additionally, it can generate wordlists in various file formats, such as dictionary files, password hash files, or other specific formats required by different applications.
  • Customizability and Performance: “Crunch” provides various options and parameters to fine-tune the wordlist generation process. Users can specify the number of words to generate, define custom word separators, set prefix or suffix patterns, and more. These options allow users to create wordlists tailored to their specific needs. The tool is designed to be fast and efficient, capable of generating large wordlists in a relatively short amount of time.
  • Command-Line Interface: “Crunch” is a command-line tool, which means it is operated through the command prompt or terminal. This allows for easy integration with scripts, automation, and batch processing, making it suitable for various scripting and security-related tasks.

“Crunch” is commonly used in security assessments, penetration testing, password cracking, and other areas where customized wordlists are required. It provides users with a powerful and flexible tool to create targeted wordlists that can be used for password audits, brute-force attacks, dictionary-based attacks, and other security testing scenarios.

It’s important to note that the use of wordlist generators like “crunch” should always comply with legal and ethical guidelines. Misuse or unauthorized use of wordlists for malicious purposes is strictly prohibited and may lead to legal consequences.

crunch Command Examples

1. Output a list of words of length 1 to 3 with only lowercase characters:

# crunch 1 3

2. Output a list of hexadecimal words of length 8:

# crunch 8 8 0123456789abcdef

3. Output a list of all permutations of abc (lengths are not processed):

# crunch 1 1 -p abc

4. Output a list of all permutations of the given strings (lengths are not processed):

# crunch 1 1 -p abc def ghi

5. Output a list of words generated according to the given pattern and a maximum number of duplicate letters:

# crunch 5 5 abcde123 -t @@@12 -d 2@

6. Write a list of words in chunk files of a given size, starting with the given string:

# crunch 3 5 -o START -b 10kb -s abc

7. Write a list of words stopping with the given string and inverting the wordlist:

# crunch 1 5 -o START -e abcde -i

8. Write a list of words in compressed chunk files with a specified number of words:

# crunch 1 5 -o START -c 1000 -z [gzip|bzip2|lzma|7z]
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