crictl: Command-line for CRI-compatible container runtimes

The “crictl” command-line tool is designed to interact with container runtimes that adhere to the Container Runtime Interface (CRI) specification. It provides a convenient way to manage and inspect containers, pods, images, and other resources in CRI-compatible container runtimes from the command line.

Here are some key features and functionalities of the “crictl” command:

  • Container Operations: With “crictl,” you can perform various operations on containers. This includes starting, stopping, pausing, resuming, and deleting containers. You can also inspect container details such as status, resource usage, and networking information.
  • Pod Operations: “crictl” allows you to manage pods, which are groups of related containers. You can create, delete, and list pods, as well as inspect pod details like container statuses, IP addresses, and log output.
  • Image Operations: The command provides functionality to work with container images. You can pull, push, and remove container images from a registry. Additionally, you can list available images, inspect image details, and view image history.
  • Log Retrieval: “crictl” enables you to retrieve and view logs from containers. You can tail logs in real-time, specify log timestamps, and filter logs based on container or pod identifiers.
  • Runtime Configuration: The tool allows you to view and modify the configuration settings of the CRI-compatible container runtime. This includes inspecting runtime properties, setting runtime options, and configuring network settings.
  • Resource Management: “crictl” provides information about resource usage by containers and pods. You can view CPU, memory, and storage statistics to monitor resource consumption and troubleshoot performance issues.

By utilizing the “crictl” command, developers, administrators, and DevOps teams can efficiently manage and interact with CRI-compatible container runtimes. It offers a unified interface for controlling containers and pods, inspecting runtime properties, and handling container-related tasks from the command line.

It’s important to note that the specific features and capabilities of “crictl” may depend on the container runtime being used and its adherence to the CRI specification. Different container runtimes may provide additional or customized functionality through “crictl” based on their specific implementation.

To use “crictl,” you need to have the command-line tool installed and configured on your system, along with a CRI-compatible container runtime. The tool typically requires authentication and appropriate permissions to access and manage containers and related resources.

crictl Command Examples

1. List all kubernetes pods (Ready and NotReady):

# crictl pods

2. List all containers (Running and Exited):

# crictl ps --all

3. List all images:

# crictl images

4. Print information about specific containers:

# crictl inspect container_id1 container_id2 ...

5. Open a specific shell inside a running container:

# crictl exec -it container_id sh

6. Pull a specific image from a registry:

# crictl pull image:tag

7. Print and [f]ollow logs of a specific container:

# crictl logs -f container_id

8. Remove one or more images:

# crictl rmi image_id1 image_id2 ...
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