cradle elastic: Manage the Elasticsearch instances for a Cradle instance

The “cradle elastic” command is used to manage Elasticsearch instances within the context of a Cradle instance. Cradle is a software development platform that provides various tools and services to facilitate application development, and Elasticsearch is a popular search and analytics engine. The “cradle elastic” command allows users to manage and interact with Elasticsearch instances associated with a Cradle instance.

With the “cradle elastic” command, users can perform several operations related to Elasticsearch management. Some of the common tasks that can be accomplished using this command include:

  • Creating Elasticsearch instances: The command allows users to create new Elasticsearch instances within the Cradle environment. This involves provisioning the necessary resources and configuring the instance to meet specific requirements.
  • Starting and stopping instances: Users can start or stop Elasticsearch instances using the “cradle elastic” command. This enables administrators to control the availability of Elasticsearch services and manage resource allocation.
  • Scaling Elasticsearch instances: When the workload or data volume increases, users can scale Elasticsearch instances to handle the additional load. The “cradle elastic” command provides options to scale up or down the resources allocated to an Elasticsearch instance, such as increasing the number of nodes or adjusting resource limits.
  • Monitoring instance health and performance: The “cradle elastic” command allows users to monitor the health and performance metrics of Elasticsearch instances. This includes checking the status of the cluster, monitoring resource utilization, and reviewing performance statistics to ensure optimal operation.
  • Configuring instance settings: Users can modify various configuration settings of Elasticsearch instances using the “cradle elastic” command. This includes adjusting parameters related to indexing, storage, networking, and security to align with specific requirements or performance optimizations.
  • Backing up and restoring data: The command provides functionality to perform backups of Elasticsearch data and restore it as needed. This allows users to protect data from potential loss or corruption and recover it in case of any unforeseen issues.

By utilizing the “cradle elastic” command, administrators and developers can effectively manage Elasticsearch instances within the Cradle environment. It simplifies the management tasks associated with Elasticsearch, allowing users to create, control, monitor, and configure Elasticsearch instances seamlessly.

It’s important to note that the specific functionality and usage of the “cradle elastic” command may depend on the implementation and configuration of the Cradle platform you are working with. It is recommended to refer to the official documentation or resources provided by the Cradle platform for more detailed information and guidance on using the “cradle elastic” command.

cradle elastic Command Examples

1. Truncate the Elasticsearch index:

# cradle elastic flush

2. Truncate the Elasticsearch index for a specific package:

# cradle elastic flush package_name

3. Submit the Elasticsearch schema:

# cradle elastic map

4. Submit the Elasticsearch schema for a specific package:

# cradle elastic map package_name

5. Populate the Elasticsearch indices for all packages:

# cradle elastic populate

6. Populate the Elasticsearch indices for a specific package:

# cradle elastic populate package_name
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