couchdb: Command-line interface for Apache CouchDB database server

“couchdb” is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that provides a convenient way to interact with the Apache CouchDB database server. CouchDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database that stores data in a schema-less JSON format and provides features like replication, fault tolerance, and scalability.

The “couchdb” CLI tool enables developers and administrators to perform various operations on the CouchDB server from the command line. It allows you to manage databases, create and delete documents, query data, configure server settings, and perform other administrative tasks.

With “couchdb,” you can easily create, delete, and manage databases on the CouchDB server. You can use commands to create new databases, retrieve information about existing databases, and delete databases when they are no longer needed. This provides a straightforward way to organize and maintain your data within the CouchDB server.

Additionally, “couchdb” allows you to work with documents stored in the CouchDB database. You can create new documents, update existing documents, retrieve documents by their IDs, and delete documents when necessary. The CLI tool provides commands to perform these operations, making it easy to manipulate and manage data within the CouchDB server.

Furthermore, “couchdb” enables you to execute queries and retrieve data from the CouchDB server using different query options. You can specify criteria, filters, and sorting options to retrieve specific data from the database. This allows for efficient data retrieval and manipulation based on your application’s requirements.

The CLI tool also provides functionality for server administration, allowing you to configure various settings and parameters of the CouchDB server. You can modify server configurations, set up replication, manage user accounts and permissions, and monitor server performance using the available commands.

Using “couchdb” as a command-line interface provides flexibility and automation capabilities. It allows for scripting and integration with other command-line tools, making it easier to incorporate CouchDB operations into your development or deployment workflows.

couchdb Command Examples

1. Start CouchDB:

# couchdb

2. Start CouchDB interactive shell:

# couchdb -i

3. Start CouchDB as a background process:

# couchdb -b

4. Kill the background process (Note: It will respawn if needed):

# couchdb -k

5. Shutdown the background process:

# couchdb -d


In summary, “couchdb” is a command-line interface tool that facilitates interaction with the Apache CouchDB database server. It provides commands for managing databases, creating and manipulating documents, querying data, configuring server settings, and performing administrative tasks. By using “couchdb,” developers and administrators can efficiently work with the CouchDB server from the command line, enabling seamless database management and data manipulation.

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