core-validate-commit: Validate commit messages for Node.js core

“core-validate-commit” is a tool specifically designed for the Node.js core project to validate commit messages. It helps ensure that commit messages adhere to the project’s guidelines and standards. Commit messages play a crucial role in tracking and understanding changes made to a codebase, so having well-formed and consistent commit messages is essential for maintaining code quality and facilitating collaboration among developers.

The primary purpose of “core-validate-commit” is to enforce specific rules and conventions for commit messages within the Node.js core project. It verifies that commit messages meet the project’s standards by checking various aspects such as formatting, structure, and content.

One of the key aspects that “core-validate-commit” checks is the commit message format. It verifies whether the commit messages follow a prescribed format, which typically includes a subject line, an optional body, and a footer section. The tool may enforce guidelines such as limiting the subject line length, using imperative mood, providing clear and concise descriptions, and including appropriate tags or references for issue tracking or documentation.

Additionally, “core-validate-commit” can validate commit messages against a predefined set of rules. These rules may include checks for specific keywords, references to relevant issues or pull requests, proper use of capitalization and punctuation, and adherence to any other guidelines set by the Node.js core project. The tool provides feedback on any violations or inconsistencies found, helping developers correct and improve their commit messages.

By using “core-validate-commit,” the Node.js core project aims to maintain a consistent and readable commit history, making it easier to track changes, understand the context of modifications, and perform tasks such as code review and bug tracking. It promotes best practices for commit message hygiene and encourages developers to provide meaningful and informative commit messages.

It’s important to note that “core-validate-commit” is specifically tailored for the Node.js core project and may not be applicable or relevant to other projects or codebases. Other projects or organizations may have their own guidelines and tools for validating commit messages.


1. Validate the current commit:

# core-validate-commit

2. Validate a specific commit:

# core-validate-commit commit_hash

3. Validate a range of commits:

# git rev-list commit_hash..HEAD | xargs core-validate-commit

4. List all validation rules:

# core-validate-commit --list

5. List all valid Node.js subsystems:

# core-validate-commit --list-subsystem

6. Validate the current commit formatting the output in tap format:

# core-validate-commit --tap

7. Display help:

# core-validate-commit --help


In summary, “core-validate-commit” is a tool developed for the Node.js core project to validate commit messages. It ensures that commit messages conform to the project’s standards and guidelines, including proper formatting, structure, and content. By enforcing these rules, the tool helps maintain a consistent and readable commit history, making it easier for developers to track changes, collaborate, and maintain code quality within the Node.js core project.

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