conky: command not found

The conky command is a utility in Linux that is used to start the Conky system monitor. Conky is a lightweight system monitor that displays system information on the desktop in real-time.

To start Conky with a default configuration file, use the following command:

# conky

This will start Conky with the default configuration file, which is typically located at ~/.conkyrc.

To start Conky with a specific configuration file, use the following command:

# conky -c /path/to/configuration/file

This will start Conky with the specified configuration file.

If you encounter the below error while running the command conky:

conky: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install conky-cli
Ubuntu apt-get install conky-cli
Alpine apk add conky
Arch Linux pacman -S conky
Kali Linux apt-get install conky-cli
Fedora dnf install conky
Raspbian apt-get install conky-cli

conky Command Examples

1. Launch with default, built-in config:

# conky

2. Create a new default config:

# conky -C > ~/.conkyrc

3. Launch Conky with a given config file:

# conky -c path/to/config

4. Start in the background (daemonize):

# conky -d

5. Align Conky on the desktop:

# conky -a top|bottom|middle_left|right|middle

6. Pause for 5 seconds at startup before launching:

# conky -p 5
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