compare: View the difference between 2 images

The “compare” command is a tool used to view the differences between two images. It is part of the ImageMagick software suite, which provides a collection of powerful image manipulation and editing tools.

When you use the “compare” command, you can provide two input images as arguments. The command then analyzes the pixel data of these images and generates a visual representation of the differences between them. The resulting output highlights the variations, allowing you to easily compare and identify dissimilarities.

The “compare” command offers various options to customize the comparison process. You can adjust parameters such as the metric used for comparison, the color representation, and the level of detail in the output. These options allow you to tailor the comparison according to your specific needs and preferences.

The output of the “compare” command typically includes a visual representation of the differences between the two images. This can be displayed as an overlay, where the dissimilar areas are highlighted with color or transparency. Additionally, the command often provides numerical data and metrics indicating the degree of difference between the images.

The “compare” command is widely used in scenarios where precise image comparison is necessary. It can be beneficial in graphic design, quality control, or any situation where identifying differences between images is important. By visually highlighting variations, it enables users to spot changes, detect anomalies, or evaluate the effectiveness of image processing operations.

It’s worth noting that the “compare” command relies on the ImageMagick library, which supports various image file formats. This allows you to compare images in formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF, among others.

compare Command Examples

1. Compare 2 images:

# compare image1.png image2.png diff.png

2. Compare 2 images using a custom metric:

# compare -verbose -metric PSNR image1.png image2.png diff.png


In summary, the “compare” command is a tool within the ImageMagick software suite used to view the differences between two images. It analyzes the pixel data of the images and generates a visual representation of the variations. The command offers customization options for the comparison process, allowing users to tailor the output to their specific requirements. “compare” is commonly used in graphic design, quality control, and other scenarios where precise image comparison is necessary.

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