cockpit-ws Command Examples in Linux

The cockpit-ws command is a utility in Linux that is used to start the Cockpit web service, which is a web-based interface for managing and monitoring your system. Cockpit is a free, open-source system management tool that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing and monitoring your system.

To start the Cockpit web service and listen on the default port (9090), use the following command:

# cockpit-ws

This will start the Cockpit web service and listen on the default port (9090).

To start the Cockpit web service and listen on a specific port, use the –port option followed by the desired port number:

# cockpit-ws --port 8080

This will start the Cockpit web service and listen on port 8080.

cockpit-ws Command Examples

1. Start with authentication via SSH at with port 22 enabled:

# cockpit-ws --local-ssh

2. Start an HTTP server on a specific port:

# cockpit-ws --port [port]

3. Start and bind to a specific IP address (defaults to

# cockpit-ws --address [ip_address]

4. Start without TLS:

# cockpit-ws --no-tls

5. Display help:

# cockpit-ws --help

6. To start the Cockpit web service and listen on a specific interface, use the –listen option followed by the desired interface:

# cockpit-ws --listen eth0
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