clangd: Language server that provides IDE-like features to editors

“clangd” is a language server that provides IDE-like features to code editors. It is specifically designed to enhance the editing experience for C, C++, and Objective-C codebases. Rather than being invoked directly, clangd is typically used through an editor plugin or extension.

The main purpose of clangd is to enable advanced code analysis, code completion, and code navigation capabilities within code editors. It leverages the Clang compiler infrastructure to provide accurate and context-aware information about the code being edited. Some of the IDE-like features offered by clangd include:

  • Code Completion: clangd can provide intelligent code completion suggestions as you type. It analyzes the code context and offers relevant completions for variables, functions, classes, and other symbols. This feature saves time and improves productivity by reducing manual typing and helping developers discover available APIs.
  • Code Navigation: clangd allows for easy navigation through the codebase. It supports features such as “Go to Definition” and “Find References,” enabling developers to quickly jump to the definition of a symbol or find all its occurrences in the code. This facilitates understanding and exploration of the code structure.
  • Code Refactoring: clangd assists with code refactoring by providing suggestions and automated transformations for code improvements. It can identify opportunities for simplifying code, renaming symbols, extracting functions, and other common refactoring tasks. This helps developers maintain clean and efficient code.
  • Diagnostics and Error Checking: clangd performs static analysis on the code in real-time and provides immediate feedback on potential issues, errors, or warnings. It highlights syntax errors, type mismatches, unused variables, and other problems. This allows developers to catch and fix issues early in the development process.
  • Documentation and Signature Help: clangd provides documentation and signature information for functions and APIs. It displays relevant documentation comments, function signatures, and parameter details, helping developers understand the usage and purpose of different code elements.

To use clangd, developers typically need to install an editor plugin or extension that integrates with clangd. These plugins provide a seamless interface between the editor and the language server, allowing for efficient communication and integration of clangd’s features within the editor environment. Popular code editors like Visual Studio Code, Vim, Emacs, and others often have clangd plugins available.

By using clangd through an editor plugin, developers can benefit from powerful IDE-like features directly within their preferred editing environment. It enhances code navigation, completion, and analysis capabilities, making it easier to write, understand, and maintain C, C++, and Objective-C codebases.

clangd Command Examples

1. Display available options:

# clangd --help

2. List of available options:

# clangd --help-list

3. Display version:

# clangd --version


In summary, clangd is a language server that offers IDE-like features for C, C++, and Objective-C code editing. It is used via editor plugins or extensions and provides code completion, navigation, refactoring, diagnostics, and documentation features. By integrating clangd into code editors, developers can enhance their productivity and code quality while working with these programming languages.

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