circup: The CircuitPython library updater

“Circup” is a command-line tool designed to facilitate the process of updating CircuitPython libraries. CircuitPython is an open-source programming language and platform specifically tailored for microcontrollers and embedded systems. It provides an easy-to-use interface for developing interactive projects with hardware components.

Here are some key points to understand about “circup”:

  • CircuitPython Libraries: CircuitPython libraries are collections of code that provide additional functionality and support for various hardware components and peripherals. These libraries are essential for working with specific sensors, displays, communication protocols, and other devices in CircuitPython projects.
  • Library Updater: “circup” serves as a convenient library updater tool for CircuitPython. It allows users to manage and update the libraries installed on their CircuitPython-compatible boards or devices. With “circup,” users can easily check for new library versions, install updates, or remove outdated libraries.
  • Command-Line Interface: “circup” is a command-line tool, which means it is primarily used by typing commands in a terminal or command prompt. It provides a set of commands and options that enable users to perform library-related operations such as updating, installing, or removing libraries.
  • Simplified Library Management: “circup” simplifies the process of library management by automating the tasks of checking for updates and handling the installation or removal of libraries. It ensures that users have the latest versions of libraries with bug fixes, new features, and improvements, thus enhancing the stability and functionality of CircuitPython projects.
  • Dependency Resolution: “circup” handles library dependencies, ensuring that the required dependencies for a library are installed or updated correctly. This helps maintain the integrity of the overall library ecosystem and ensures that libraries work seamlessly together.
  • User-Friendly Experience: “circup” aims to provide a user-friendly experience by offering clear and concise command syntax, informative feedback messages, and error handling. It streamlines the library updating process, allowing users to focus on their CircuitPython projects rather than manual library management.
  • Integration with CircuitPython Workflow: “circup” is designed to seamlessly integrate with the typical CircuitPython workflow. It aligns with the development process of creating and deploying CircuitPython projects, making it easy to incorporate library updates into the overall development cycle.

By using “circup,” CircuitPython developers and enthusiasts can easily manage and update libraries, ensuring they have the latest features and improvements for their projects. It simplifies the process of library management, enhances the development workflow, and contributes to a smoother experience when working with CircuitPython-powered devices.

circup Command Examples

1. Interactively update modules on a device:

# circup update

2. Install a new library:

# circup install library_name

3. Search for a library:

# circup show partial_name

4. List all libraries on a connected device in requirements.txt format:

# circup freeze

5. Save all libraries on a connected device in the current directory:

# circup freeze -r
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