chroma: Chroma is a general-purpose syntax highlighting library and corresponding command, for Go

“Chroma” is a versatile syntax highlighting library and command-line tool designed for the Go programming language. It provides developers with the ability to add syntax highlighting to code snippets or entire files, making the code more readable and visually appealing.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “Chroma”:

  • Syntax Highlighting: The primary purpose of “Chroma” is to apply syntax highlighting to code. It supports a wide range of programming languages, including popular ones like Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, and many more. By analyzing the code’s syntax, “Chroma” can identify and colorize different language elements such as keywords, variables, comments, strings, and more, making the code easier to understand and navigate.
  • Go Library: “Chroma” is implemented as a Go library, which means it can be seamlessly integrated into Go applications. Developers can leverage the library’s APIs to incorporate syntax highlighting capabilities directly into their software, such as text editors, code editors, documentation generators, or any other tools that involve code rendering.
  • Command-Line Tool: “Chroma” also provides a command-line tool that allows developers to perform syntax highlighting from the command line. This tool accepts input from files or standard input and generates colorized output that can be redirected to a file or displayed in the terminal. It is particularly useful for quick code highlighting tasks or as part of a scripting workflow.
  • Theme Support: “Chroma” includes support for various color themes, allowing users to customize the appearance of the syntax highlighting output. It provides a selection of built-in themes, and developers can also create their own themes by specifying color values for different syntax elements.
  • Language Extensions: “Chroma” allows developers to extend its language support by defining custom language syntax definitions. This feature is beneficial when working with domain-specific languages or programming languages not supported out of the box. By defining the syntax rules for a specific language, developers can enable syntax highlighting for that language using “Chroma.”
  • Rich Output Formats: “Chroma” supports multiple output formats, enabling developers to generate syntax-highlighted code in various formats. This includes HTML, which can be embedded in web pages or documentation, as well as other formats such as ANSI escape sequences for terminal output or LaTeX for typesetting scientific documents.
  • Configuration: “Chroma” provides flexibility through its configuration options. Developers can fine-tune various aspects of the syntax highlighting process, such as line numbering, highlighting specific syntax elements, adjusting colors, and more, to suit their preferences or specific requirements.

“Chroma” simplifies the task of syntax highlighting for developers working with the Go programming language. Whether through its Go library integration or command-line tool, developers can easily incorporate syntax highlighting capabilities into their projects, improving code readability and enhancing the overall development experience.

chroma Command Examples

1. Highlight a source file with python lexer and output to terminal:

# chroma --lexer="python" source_file

2. Highlight a source file with the Go lexer and output to an HTML file:

# chroma --lexer="go" --formatter="html" source_file > html_file

3. Highlight a source file with the C++ lexer and output to an SVG, using the Monokai style:

# chroma --lexer="{{c++}}" --formatter="svg" --syle="monokai" source_file > svg_file
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