chfn Command Examples in Linux

The chfn (change finger) command updates a few pieces of personal information maintained by the system: real name, home telephone, office telephone, and office location, as displayed by the finger command.[21] Invoked without a username, chfn affects your account; invoked with a username (by the superuser), it affects that user. With no options, chfn will prompt you for the desired information:

# chfn
Password: ********
Name [Shawn Smith]: Shawn E. Smith
Office [100 Barton Hall]:
Office Phone [212-555-1212]: 212-555-1234
Home Phone []:


# chfn [options] [username]

chfn Command Examples

1. To change the full name of the user:

# chfn -f "Mike Jackson" mike

2. To specify the office room number:

# chfn -o 107 mike

3. To specify the office phone:

# chfn -p 20123023 mike

4. To print the usage message for a user:

# chfn -u mike


chfn command changes the information that is stored in /etc/passwd and displayed to the finger query. With no options, chfn enters interactive mode and prompts for changes. To blank a field, enter the keyword none. Only a privileged user can change information for another user. For regular users, chfn prompts for the user’s password before making the change.

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