cewl: command not found

cewl is a command-line utility in Linux that is used to extract words from web pages and create a custom wordlist. It is commonly used for password cracking and other security-related tasks.

cewl is a Ruby script that is run from the command prompt. To use cewl, you can simply run the command followed by the URL of the web page that you want to extract words from, and cewl will download the web page, extract the words, and output the resulting wordlist to the standard output.

Here is an example of how you can use cewl to extract words from a web page and create a wordlist:

# cewl https://example.com > wordlist.txt

This command will download the web page at https://example.com, extract the words, and save the resulting wordlist to a file called wordlist.txt.

If you encounter the below error while running the cewl command:

cewl: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

# apt-get install cewl

For more information on using cewl, you can consult the cewl documentation or use the cewl –help command to view a list of available options and usage examples.

cewl Command Examples

1. Create a wordlist file from the given URL up to 2 links depth:

# cewl --depth 2 --write path/to/wordlist.txt url

2. Output an alphanumeric wordlist from the given URL with words of minimum 5 characters:

# cewl --with-numbers --min_word_length 5 url

3. Output a wordlist from the given URL in debug mode including email addresses:

# cewl --debug --email url

4. Output a wordlist from the given URL using HTTP Basic or Digest authentication:

# cewl --auth_type basic|digest --auth_user username --auth_pass password url

5. Output a wordlist from the given URL through a proxy:

# cewl --proxy_host host --proxy_port port url
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