catimg: Image printing in the terminal

The “catimg” tool is a command-line utility that allows you to print and display images directly in the terminal. It provides a convenient way to view images without opening a separate image viewer application. By utilizing ASCII art or colored character output, “catimg” converts the pixels of an image into a textual representation that can be rendered in the terminal.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “catimg”:

  • Image Rendering: “catimg” is capable of rendering various image formats, including common formats like JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP. When invoked with an image file as an argument, it reads the image data and processes it to generate a textual representation of the image. This allows you to view the image content directly in the terminal without the need for a graphical environment.
  • ASCII Art Output: One way “catimg” represents images in the terminal is by converting them into ASCII art. ASCII art is a technique that uses characters from the ASCII character set to create visual representations of images. “catimg” analyzes the color and brightness of each pixel in the image and maps it to a corresponding ASCII character or a sequence of characters. This results in a textual representation of the image that can be displayed in the terminal.
  • Colored Character Output: In addition to ASCII art, “catimg” can also produce colored character output. Instead of using ASCII characters to represent the image, it utilizes colored characters or ANSI escape sequences to display the image with colors in the terminal. This allows for a more visually appealing representation of the image, preserving the original color information.
  • Customization Options: “catimg” provides various customization options to adjust the rendering and appearance of the image in the terminal. You can specify the width and height of the output, adjust the character aspect ratio, control the color mode, and choose between ASCII art or colored character output. These options allow you to tailor the output according to your preferences and the capabilities of your terminal.
  • Integration with Terminal Tools: “catimg” is designed to work well with other terminal tools and utilities. It can be used in combination with other commands or scripts to create interesting effects or incorporate image rendering into terminal-based workflows. For example, you can pipe the output of “catimg” to other tools to manipulate or further process the image representation.

“catimg” provides a fun and interactive way to view images directly in the terminal. It is particularly useful in command-line environments or situations where opening a separate image viewer is not desired or possible. By converting images into textual representations, “catimg” allows you to appreciate and work with images in a terminal-based context, opening up possibilities for creative and practical applications.

catimg Command Examples

1. Print a JPEG, PNG, or GIF to the terminal:

# catimg /path/to/file

2. Double the [r]esolution of an image:

# catimg -r 2 /path/to/file

3. Disable 24-bit color for better [t]erminal support:

# catimg -t /path/to/file

4. Specify a custom [w]idth or [H]eight:

# catimg [-w|-H] 40 /path/to/file
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