
berks Command Examples (Chef cookbook dependency manager)

"Berks" is a dependency manager specifically designed for managing cookbook dependencies in the context of Chef, a popular configuration management…

ansible-vault – Encrypts & decrypts values, data structures and files within Ansible projects

"ansible-vault" is a powerful command-line tool provided by Ansible that allows users to encrypt and decrypt sensitive values, data structures,…

ansible-pull – Pull ansible playbooks from a VCS repo and executes them for the local host

"ansible-pull" is a versatile command-line tool provided by Ansible that allows users to pull Ansible playbooks from a Version Control…

ansible-playbook – Execute tasks defined in playbook on remote machines over SSH

"ansible-playbook" is a versatile command-line tool provided by Ansible that allows users to execute tasks defined in a playbook on…

ansible-inventory – Display or dump an Ansible inventory (Command Examples)

"ansible-inventory" is a powerful command-line tool provided by Ansible that allows users to display or dump information about their Ansible…

ansible-galaxy – Create and manage Ansible roles (Command Examples)

"ansible-galaxy" is a powerful tool that allows users to create, share, and manage Ansible roles. It simplifies the process of…

ansible-doc – Display information on modules installed in Ansible libraries

"ansible-doc" is a command-line tool that provides valuable information on the modules installed in Ansible libraries. It offers a convenient…

2to3 – Automated Python 2 to 3 code conversion

In the world of Python programming, migrating code from Python 2 to Python 3 has been an essential task due…

Is there a CSS parent selector

No, there is currently no CSS parent selector. While CSS has a wide range of selectors for targeting specific elements…

How to Download Ext JS GPL

Ext JS is a JavaScript library for building web applications. It is developed by Sencha, a company that provides tools…