cargo test: Execute the unit and integration tests of a Rust package

The “cargo test” command is a tool in the Rust programming language that allows developers to execute the unit and integration tests defined within a Rust package. It provides a convenient and standardized way to run tests and ensure the correctness of the codebase.

Here are the key features and functionalities of “cargo test”:

  • Test Discovery: “cargo test” automatically discovers and runs all the tests defined within the Rust package. It searches for test functions annotated with the #[test] attribute and executes them. This automated test discovery makes it easy for developers to write and maintain tests without explicitly specifying each test to run.
  • Unit and Integration Tests: “cargo test” supports both unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests are small, isolated tests that verify the behavior of individual functions, structs, or modules in isolation. Integration tests, on the other hand, exercise multiple components of the codebase and test their interactions. By supporting both types of tests, “cargo test” enables developers to ensure the correctness and integration of their code.
  • Test Execution and Reporting: When running “cargo test,” the tool compiles the tests and executes them. It reports the results, indicating whether each test has passed, failed, or encountered an error. The test output includes information about the specific tests that ran, any failed assertions, and diagnostic messages for failed tests. This comprehensive reporting helps developers quickly identify and fix issues in the codebase.
  • Test Configuration: “cargo test” provides configuration options to customize the test execution process. Developers can specify various options such as filtering tests based on names or attributes, controlling the test output verbosity, and enabling parallel test execution. These configurations allow developers to tailor the testing experience to their specific needs and requirements.
  • Test Coverage: “cargo test” integrates with code coverage tools such as “tarpaulin” or “grcov,” which provide information on the percentage of code covered by tests. By enabling code coverage analysis during test execution, developers can gain insights into which parts of their codebase are adequately tested and identify areas that require additional test coverage.
  • Test Skips and Attributes: “cargo test” supports test attributes that allow developers to selectively skip or mark tests. This feature is useful when certain tests are not applicable in certain scenarios or need to be excluded temporarily. By using attributes such as #[ignore] or #[should_panic], developers can control which tests are executed, providing flexibility in test execution and management.
  • Continuous Integration (CI) Integration: “cargo test” is often integrated into continuous integration (CI) pipelines, ensuring that tests are automatically executed whenever code changes are made. By running tests as part of the CI process, developers can catch regressions or errors early in the development cycle and ensure that changes do not introduce new issues into the codebase.

“cargo test” is a powerful and essential tool for Rust developers, providing a standardized and efficient way to execute unit and integration tests. By automating test discovery, supporting different types of tests, providing configuration options, and integrating with code coverage tools, “cargo test” promotes code quality, reliability, and maintainability in Rust projects.

cargo test Command Examples

1. Only run tests containing a specific string in their names:

# cargo test testname

2. Set the number of simultaneous running test cases:

# cargo test -- --test-threads=count

3. Require that Cargo.lock is up to date:

# cargo test --locked

4. Test artifacts in release mode, with optimizations:

# cargo test --release

5. Test all packages in the workspace:

# cargo test --workspace

6. Run tests for a package:

# cargo test --package package

7. Run tests without hiding output from test executions:

# cargo test -- --nocapture
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