cake: The command-line processor for the CakePHP framework

“Cake” is a command-line processor specifically designed for the CakePHP framework. CakePHP is a popular open-source web development framework written in PHP that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. The “cake” command-line tool provides developers with a convenient way to interact with their CakePHP applications, automate tasks, and perform various operations.

Here are the key features and functionalities of the “cake” command-line processor:

  • Code Generation: The “cake” command-line tool enables developers to generate code automatically based on predefined templates and conventions. This includes generating models, controllers, views, database migrations, test cases, and more. Code generation saves time and helps maintain consistency throughout the CakePHP application.
  • Database Migrations: CakePHP follows the concept of database migrations, which allow developers to version and apply changes to the application’s database schema. The “cake” command-line tool provides commands to create, apply, and rollback migrations, making it easier to manage and evolve the database structure over time.
  • Scaffolding: With CakePHP’s scaffolding feature, developers can quickly generate basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for their models. The “cake” command-line tool provides scaffolding commands to generate the necessary code, allowing for rapid development and prototyping.
  • Test Suite Integration: Testing is an essential part of software development, and CakePHP encourages test-driven development practices. The “cake” command-line tool provides commands to run unit tests, integration tests, and other types of tests defined in the application’s test suite. This helps ensure the quality and reliability of the CakePHP application.
  • Database Operations: The “cake” command-line tool offers commands to perform database-related operations, such as running database migrations, creating database tables, seeding initial data, and executing custom SQL statements. These commands simplify the management of the application’s database interactions.
  • Custom Commands: Developers can create their custom commands using the “cake” command-line tool. This allows them to automate repetitive tasks, perform complex operations specific to their application, or integrate with external tools and services seamlessly.

By utilizing the “cake” command-line processor, developers working with the CakePHP framework gain a powerful tool for automating tasks, generating code, managing databases, and executing tests. It enhances the development experience and enables efficient development and maintenance of CakePHP applications.

cake Command Examples

1. Display basic information about the current app and available commands:

# cake

2. Display a list of available routes:

# cake routes

3. Clear configuration caches:

# cake cache clear_all

4. Build the metadata cache:

# cake schema_cache build --connection connection

5. Clear the metadata cache:

# cake schema_cache clear

6. Clear a single cache table:

# cake schema_cache clear table_name

7. Start a development web server (defaults to port 8765):

# cake server

8. Start a REPL (interactive shell):

# cake console
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