bup: Backup system based on the Git packfile format, providing incremental saves and global deduplication

“Bup” is a backup system that utilizes the Git packfile format to provide efficient and flexible backup capabilities. It offers features such as incremental saves and global deduplication, which make it a powerful tool for backing up data.

The Git packfile format is the underlying storage format used by the Git version control system. It organizes data into compressed packs, which contain multiple objects (such as files or directories) and their associated metadata. Bup leverages this format to store and manage backup data.

One of the key advantages of Bup is its support for incremental saves. Instead of creating a complete backup every time, Bup only stores the changes made since the last backup. This approach significantly reduces the storage space required for backups and speeds up the backup process, especially for large datasets. By utilizing the Git packfile format, Bup can efficiently store and manage these incremental changes.

Another important feature of Bup is global deduplication. Deduplication eliminates redundant data by identifying and storing only unique pieces of information. In the context of backups, this means that if multiple files or parts of files are the same across different backups, Bup will store only one copy of that data. This approach saves storage space and allows for more efficient backups, especially when dealing with similar or identical files.

The combination of incremental saves and global deduplication makes Bup an efficient backup system. It optimizes storage utilization by minimizing the amount of data that needs to be stored, while still ensuring that all versions of the backed-up data can be restored accurately. Bup also provides features like data encryption, compression, and remote storage options, making it a versatile tool for backup and restore operations.

bup Command Examples

1. Initialize a backup repository in the specified local directory:

# bup -d /path/to/repository init

2. Prepare a given directory before taking a backup:

# bup -d /path/to/repository index /path/to/directory

3. Backup a directory to the repository:

# bup -d /path/to/repository save -n backup_name /path/to/directory

4. Show the backup snapshots currently stored in the repository:

# bup -d /path/to/repository ls

5. Restore a specific backup snapshot to a target directory:

# bup -d /path/to/repository restore -C /path/to/target_directory backup_name


Overall, Bup offers a robust backup solution by leveraging the Git packfile format and incorporating features like incremental saves and global deduplication. Its efficiency and flexibility make it suitable for various backup scenarios, from personal data backups to enterprise-level data protection.

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