bspc: command not found

bspc is a command-line utility in Linux that is used to control and manipulate windows and desktops in the bspwm window manager. bspwm is a tiling window manager for X11 that allows you to arrange and manage windows on your desktop in a customizable and efficient way.

bspc is a utility that is designed to work with bspwm and provides a number of commands and options for controlling and manipulating windows and desktops in bspwm. bspc can be used to move, resize, and focus windows, create and switch between desktops, and perform other actions that are specific to bspwm.

If you encounter the below error while running the bspc command:

bspc: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install bspwm
Ubuntu apt-get install bspwm
Alpine apk add bspwm
Arch Linux pacman -S bspwm
Kali Linux apt-get install bspwm
Fedora dnf install bspwm
Raspbian apt-get install bspwm

bspc Command Examples

1. Define two virtual desktop:

# bspc monitor --reset-desktops 1 2

2. Focus the given desktop:

# bspc desktop --focus number

3. Close the windows rooted at the selected node:

# bspc node --close

4. Send the selected node to the given desktop:

# bspc node --to-desktop number

5. Toggle full screen mode for the selected node:

# bspc node --state ~fullscreen
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