brew: Package manager for macOS and Linux

The brew command is a package manager designed for macOS and Linux operating systems. It provides a convenient way to install, update, and manage software packages and libraries on your system. Originally created for macOS, brew has gained popularity among Linux users as well, thanks to the availability of Linuxbrew, a version of brew specifically designed for Linux distributions.

Here are some key points about the brew package manager:

  • Package Installation: With brew, you can easily install a wide range of software packages and libraries on your macOS or Linux system. It simplifies the process by automatically handling dependencies, ensuring that all required components are installed correctly.
  • Centralized Repository: brew maintains a centralized repository known as the Homebrew Core, which contains a vast collection of packages for macOS and Linux. This repository serves as the primary source for software packages that can be installed using brew.
  • Package Management: brew provides commands to manage installed packages on your system. You can update packages to the latest versions, uninstall packages, search for packages, and list installed packages. This makes it easy to keep your software up to date and manage your system’s software ecosystem.
  • Custom Tap Support: In addition to the Homebrew Core repository, brew supports the concept of “taps.” Taps are additional repositories maintained by individuals or organizations, offering packages that are not part of the Homebrew Core. You can add custom taps to access a wider range of packages tailored to specific needs.
  • Formulae and Casks: brew organizes packages into two main categories: formulae and casks. Formulae are packages for command-line tools and libraries, while casks are packages for GUI applications. This distinction allows you to manage both command-line and GUI software seamlessly using brew.
  • Community Contributions: brew has a vibrant and active community that contributes to the maintenance and development of packages. This community-driven approach ensures that new packages are added, existing packages are updated, and issues are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Linuxbrew: For Linux users, Linuxbrew provides the brew package manager on Linux distributions. It follows a similar philosophy and usage pattern as the macOS version of brew, allowing Linux users to enjoy the benefits of a package manager familiar to macOS users.

Using brew simplifies the process of managing software packages on macOS and Linux systems. It provides a command-line interface that allows you to easily install, update, and manage a wide range of packages and libraries. With its centralized repository, community contributions, and support for custom taps, brew offers a flexible and efficient way to keep your system’s software ecosystem organized and up to date.

brew Command Examples

1. Install the latest stable version of a formula or cask (use –devel for development versions):

# brew install formula

2. List all installed formulae and casks:

# brew list

3. Upgrade an installed formula or cask (if none is given, all installed formulae/casks are upgraded):

# brew upgrade formula

4. Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and of all formulae and casks from the Homebrew source repository:

# brew update

5. Show formulae and casks that have a more recent version available:

# brew outdated

6. Search for available formulae (i.e. packages) and casks (i.e. native packages):

# brew search text

7. Display information about a formula or a cask (version, installation path, dependencies, etc.):

# brew info formula

8. Check the local Homebrew installation for potential problems:

# brew doctor
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