brew –cask: CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries

The brew –cask command is a CLI (Command-Line Interface) workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries. It is part of the Homebrew package manager, which is a popular tool for managing software packages on macOS.

Prior to the introduction of the brew –cask command, there was a separate command called brew cask specifically designed for managing GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications on macOS. However, the brew cask command has been deprecated in favor of the brew –cask flag, which is now the recommended way to manage GUI applications with Homebrew.

Here are some key points about the brew –cask command and its usage:

  • Simplified Workflow: The brew –cask flag allows you to seamlessly integrate the management of GUI applications into your existing Homebrew workflow. Instead of using a separate command, you can now use the brew install command with the –cask flag to install GUI applications.
  • Consistent Syntax: By using the brew –cask flag, the syntax for installing and managing GUI applications remains consistent with the rest of Homebrew. This helps maintain a unified and intuitive command structure for package management on macOS.
  • Centralized Package Repository: Homebrew maintains a centralized repository known as the “Homebrew Cask” that contains a wide range of GUI applications available for installation. The brew –cask flag taps into this repository and allows you to easily browse and install applications from the command line.
  • Updating and Uninstalling: Similar to other Homebrew packages, you can use the brew update command to update the installed GUI applications managed by brew –cask. Additionally, you can use the brew uninstall command to remove GUI applications when they are no longer needed.
  • Extensibility: The brew –cask flag is designed to be extensible, allowing you to tap into other third-party Cask repositories or create your own custom Casks for applications not available in the main Homebrew Cask repository. This flexibility enables you to manage a wide range of GUI applications using Homebrew.

It’s important to note that the brew –cask flag is the recommended approach for managing GUI applications with Homebrew, and the older brew cask command has been deprecated. Therefore, if you are using an older version of Homebrew or come across documentation mentioning brew cask, it is advised to update to the latest version of Homebrew and use brew –cask instead.

Using the brew –cask flag provides a streamlined and consistent experience for managing GUI applications on macOS. It integrates GUI application management seamlessly into the Homebrew ecosystem, simplifying the process of installing, updating, and uninstalling applications from the command line.

brew –cask Command Examples

1. Search for formulas and casks:

# brew search text

2. Install a cask:

# brew install --cask cask_name

3. List all installed casks:

# brew list --cask

4. List installed casks that have newer versions available:

# brew outdated --cask

5. Upgrade an installed cask (if no cask name is given, all installed casks are upgraded):

# brew upgrade --cask cask_name

6. Uninstall a cask:

# brew uninstall --cask cask_name

7. Uninstall a cask and remove related settings and files:

# brew zap --cask cask_name

8. Display information about a given cask:

# brew info --cask cask_name
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