brew bundle: Bundler for Homebrew, Homebrew Cask and the Mac App Store

The brew bundle command is a bundler for Homebrew, Homebrew Cask, and the Mac App Store. It is part of the Homebrew package manager, which is a popular tool for managing software packages on macOS.

The brew bundle command allows you to define and manage a “bundle” file that specifies a list of dependencies and applications you want to install on your macOS system. The bundle file is typically named Brewfile and is written in a simple text format.

Here are some key features and use cases of brew bundle:

  • Dependency Management: With brew bundle, you can define a list of packages, formulas, casks (GUI applications), and even Mac App Store applications that you want to install or manage using Homebrew. You can specify the packages and applications along with their version numbers, options, and dependencies in the Brewfile.
  • Reproducible Installations: By using a Brewfile, you can ensure that your software installations are reproducible across different systems. Instead of manually installing each dependency, you can share the Brewfile with others or use it to restore your software setup on a new system.
  • Automated Installation: Running brew bundle with the Brewfile will automatically install or update all the specified packages and applications. It checks the system to see if any dependencies are missing or outdated and installs them accordingly.
  • Version Control Integration: Since the Brewfile is a simple text file, it can be easily version-controlled using tools like Git. This allows you to track changes to your software dependencies and collaborate with others on maintaining a consistent development or production environment.
  • System Configuration Management: brew bundle can be used as part of a larger system configuration management strategy. By combining it with other tools and scripts, you can automate the setup and configuration of your macOS systems, ensuring that all required software is installed and properly configured.
  • Flexibility and Extensibility: The Brewfile format supports different types of dependencies, including Homebrew formulas, Homebrew Casks, and even Mac App Store applications. This flexibility allows you to manage a wide range of software installations, from command-line tools to graphical applications.

Using brew bundle simplifies the process of managing and installing software on your macOS system. It provides a centralized and reproducible approach, making it easier to set up new systems or maintain consistency across multiple machines. Whether you’re a developer, system administrator, or macOS user, brew bundle can help streamline your software management workflow and make it more efficient.

brew bundle Command Examples

1. Install packages from a Brewfile at the current path:

# brew bundle

2. Install packages from a specific Brewfile at a specific path:

# brew bundle --file=/path/to/file

3. Create a Brewfile from all installed packages:

# brew bundle dump

4. Uninstall all formulae not listed in the Brewfile:

# brew bundle cleanup --force

5. Check if there is anything to install or upgrade in the Brewfile:

# brew bundle check

6. Output a list of all entries in the Brewfile:

# brew bundle list --all
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