boot: Build tooling for the Clojure programming language

Boot is a build tool specifically designed for the Clojure programming language. It provides developers with a streamlined and efficient way to manage the build process of their Clojure projects. Boot aims to simplify the build configuration and provide a flexible and extensible platform for compiling, testing, and packaging Clojure code.

Here are the key features and aspects of Boot:

  • Build Configuration: Boot simplifies the build configuration by using a declarative approach. Developers define tasks and dependencies in a concise and expressive manner using Clojure code. This allows for more flexibility and control over the build process, as developers can leverage the full power of the Clojure language to configure their builds.
  • Dependency Management: Boot integrates with popular dependency management tools like Maven and Ivy, allowing developers to easily manage and resolve project dependencies. It provides a streamlined way to specify dependencies and automatically fetches them from the specified repositories. This simplifies the setup process and ensures that the project has all the required dependencies to compile and run.
  • Task Execution: Boot organizes the build process into a series of tasks. Each task represents a specific operation such as compiling source code, running tests, or packaging the project. Developers can define custom tasks to suit their specific build requirements. Tasks can be chained together to create complex build pipelines, allowing for efficient and modular build configurations.
  • Incremental Builds: Boot is designed to support incremental builds, which means that it only rebuilds the necessary parts of the project that have changed since the last build. This helps to minimize build times, especially for larger projects, by avoiding unnecessary recompilation and retesting of unchanged code. Incremental builds greatly improve developer productivity by providing fast feedback during the development process.
  • Extensibility: Boot is highly extensible, allowing developers to leverage a wide range of plugins and libraries to enhance the build process. There is a vibrant ecosystem of Boot plugins available that provide additional functionality such as code linting, code coverage analysis, and deployment automation. Developers can also create their own custom plugins to extend Boot’s capabilities to meet specific project requirements.
  • REPL Integration: Boot seamlessly integrates with the Clojure REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop), allowing developers to interactively evaluate and experiment with code during the build process. This provides a powerful development workflow where developers can dynamically modify and test their code within the context of the build.

boot Command Examples

1. Start a REPL session either with the project or standalone:

# boot repl

2. Build a single uberjar:

# boot jar

3. Learn about a command:

# boot cljs --help

4. Generate scaffolding for a new project based on a template:

# boot --dependencies boot/new new --template template_name --name project_name

5. Build for development (if using the boot/new template):

# boot dev

6. Build for production (if using the boot/new template):

# boot prod


In summary, Boot is a build tool specifically designed for the Clojure programming language. It simplifies the build configuration, provides dependency management capabilities, supports incremental builds, and offers extensibility through a wide range of plugins. With its streamlined approach and integration with the Clojure ecosystem, Boot enhances the development experience for Clojure projects by providing efficient and flexible build tooling.

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