blurlock Command Examples in Linux

blurlock is a command-line utility in Linux that is used to lock the screen and blur the display. blurlock is likely a simple wrapper around the i3lock utility, which is a screen locker for the i3 window manager.

To use blurlock, you will need to have the i3lock utility installed on your Linux system. i3lock is usually included as part of the i3 window manager, which you can install using the package manager for your specific distribution of Linux.

Once i3lock is installed, you can use blurlock to lock the screen and blur the display by running the blurlock command. When you run blurlock, the screen will be locked and the display will be blurred, preventing anyone from accessing your system without the correct password or authentication.

blurlock Command Examples

1. Lock the screen to a blurred screenshot of the current screen:

# blurlock

2. Lock the screen and disable the unlock indicator (removes feedback on keypress):

# blurlock --no-unlock-indicator

3. Lock the screen and don’t hide the mouse pointer:

# blurlock --pointer {{default}}

4. Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts:

# blurlock --show-failed-attempts
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